Chapter 21

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Mr and Mrs. Jackson sat in their living room talking quietly. They had been devsing a plan to get Anthony a girlfriend and it seemed perfect.

"I'm going to call Brandon right now to let him know the plan." Mr. Jackson stood up and went to grab his phone from the kitchen.

He immediately called Brandon and heard the phone ring.

"Hello." Brandon picked up.

"Hell Brandon my boy. It's Mr. Jackson, how are you?"

"I'm okay, but right now isn't a very good time." He whispered.

"Why not?" Mr. Jackson asked curiously.

He heard shuffling on the other line. Brandon looked towards Anthony and covered the microphone on his phone.

"Do you want me to tell them? He asked urgently.

"Go ahead. They're going to find out anyway." Anthony's voice cracked as he shrugged his shoulders.

Brandon uncovered the phone and whispered,"Come to Antony's house right now. It important." And with that he hung up the phone.

Mr. Jackson looked at the phone in astonishment. "Did he just hang up on me." He asked himself. He may not be my child, but I will still whoop him.

He walked back into the living room and saw his wife reading a book."Sweetheart we need to go to Anthony's house." He lightly touched her shoulder and smiled.

She looked up at him with love,"Why do we have to go. I was enjoying an us day." She slightly pouted. Mr. Jackson chuckled.

"I don't really know, but Brandon told me it was important."

"OK." She whispered and got up from her sitting position. "Let me go freshen up first." She began to walk up the stairs when Mr. Jackson's hand stopped her.

"You look beautiful, no matter what you wear. I will always love you and see you as my goddess." He kissed the back of her hand.

Mrs.Jackson blushed,"Ok."


Anthony paced around his living room worriedly. He just wanted to find Harmony and put an end to this. Who would want to take my angel?

Just then James decended down the stairs and Anthony's head snapped in his direction. He then began to fire a boatload of questions at him.

"Did you find anything? Any evidence? Can you find her? Is she OK?" He rushed out.

"Slow down." James chuckled. Anthony remained silent.

"So we found no trace of any finger prints but we found a hair sample." We sent it to the lab to be tested. It should take about a week."

"A WEEK!" Anthony yelled his fists clenched. "You listen and you listen well. I know you are my friend but you better put a rush on that order, no matter what it takes. Am I clear?" James nodded.

"We will have it to you by tonight."

"Good." Anthony muttered.

A knock sounded at the door and Brandon went to answer it.

"Hey guys come on in." He ushered them inside.

"So what did you need us here for?" Mrs. Jackson sat her purse down and looked up at Brandon and Anthony.

"I think you should sit down." Brandon whispered.

Aww hell. Mrs. Jackson thought.


Hey guys I decided to give a little of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. I know how much you guys luv them

Don't forget the cover contest ends on Monday. And by the way I will show everyone's covers who submitted even if you didn't win and well dedicate the chapter I post your cover in to you. Thx.

QFTC: How do you think Mrs. Jackson will react? And.... Does anyone want to make a trailer?

Teaser: Harmony is going to escape





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