Ch 1 - Interim

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I don't know how many of these I'll do because you can easily run out of ideas here in comparison.

However, this idea has weighed on me for months and months. Here goes.



The Commander of Iron Blood has been his position proudly for decades now. A man of pride and cared for his nation. Storming the lands and sea if he had. He was a man of his word, did his very best no matter what time of day and cared for his people. Except there was something wrong.

As Commander didn't want to admit it, his health was not on his side. His skin grew pale. He seemed very fatigued with fatigue, shortness of breath, a wet cough, chills, and then he became feverish.

The days passed as Commander had to get examined. The medical team brought him in and were trying to give him a proper diagnosis. A whole day passed and the Commander was still laying in the medical examine room at a care facility.

With his fever still around 39°C/102.2°F the Commander recieved more tests. It came to his attention that his lungs aren't what they used to be. It was a horrific case of pneumonia. This was a disaster. The leader was unwell and Iron Blood was at a stand still. The man had to do something, but he couldn't. Not until he got better. Which seemed that there was a big window.

Inside the facility a young man walked in. Legal age, but young. His facial hair seemed that it barely grew in. His short black hair and medium blue eyes were noticeable as he walked over to the Commander's room.

"Halt!" A woman with blonde hair was standing guard. "Who are you and state your business. No outsider is allowed to see the Commander." She barked.

"Afternoon Admiral Hipper. It's been a few years." The boy nodded.

"Who are you? You are just a boy." Glared Hipper.

"It's me. Clovis." He smiled. "Last time I saw you my father was giving you headpats. Years ago."

She blushed. "Wait, you're-"

"Yeah, I'm his son. He hasn't been home in days. I came for an update."

"My apologies. You may enter." Hipper nodded.

"Danke." (Thank you) He opened the door to see his father resting. Walking over to a clipboard that's by the feet of his bed and seeing the information off hand. Nein! Clovis looked at his father's diagnosis as lung infection. Pneumonia. Father...

"Boy?" A voice said softly.

"Father?" He asked.

"Gute morgen." The Commander said weakly.

"It's past morgan Father. How do you feel?" Clovis was getting worried.

"Clovis. Boy. I have a favor to ask of you."

"Anything." He got closer to his father's side. "What is it?"

"I am out of commission for a while. Right now I'm not useful."

"Nein! You can't say that!" Cried Clovis.

"I can't get out of this bed. I will be at least a few weeks. I need you to run Iron Blood. I trust you."

"Father. I can't. I cannot replace you. What am I supposed to do? I can't."

"Put on your best attire and be the best man for the nation." The Commander closed his eyes. "Make me proud."

"A few weeks?" He asked nervously.

"I hope so. And I have no worry you will be the best replacement for now. I'm going to rest. Gute nacht."

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