Chapter 1: Introduction to Characters

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Hi, my name is Amy, the girl with two personalities. Yes I know it's weird to have two personalities but my mother had it and learned to overcome it thats what I kinda want to do. I push everyone away that cares about me. I don't want to push everyone away, it's just well I don't really know how to control them. Ugh I so wish I knew how to control it. I can't live like this anymore. I need to do something about it and believe me I will. I guarantee that I will do something about this about my problem. Things are just so hard right now I want to help.

Hi, I'm Rachel Amy's best friend. I don't really like her with all she does when she has a happy personality. I love it when she's like that, but when she's mean and stuff I don't like it. Honestly it hurts when she says things like that. When she says nice things it's fine but when she says things mean it really hurts. She needs to get her multiple personalities under control because she will lose friends if she doesn't get it under control, and I don't think she will want to lose friends. If she wants to lose friends then she doesn't care and never wanted friends from the start.

Hi, I'm Amy's boyfriend my name is William  and honestly I will love her the way she is even if it means with both personalities the nice one and the mean one I don't think she needs to change one bit, but what do I know? The person who really knows everything is Melissa well she knows almost everything, but back to me you will get her introduction later in the chapter. People don't like me because of how I act how I am but it's my personality and I shouldn't have to change that for anyone. Well I would for Amy but knowone else. I would do it for Amy because she's my girlfriend. I would do anything for her except break up with her. I could never hurt her like that.

Hi, I'm Carla, one of Amy's not really friends. Oh just so you know I don't know anything. I'm you could say the dumb one of the bunch. I don't really care about her personality. I kinda like them. I think they are amazing. I'm one of those girls who doesn't do very well in school but tries really hard to pass and move on to other grades. Let me tell you something DO NOT think that you can just fly by the seat of your pants because that doesn't work. It never works studying and other things work not just thinking oh it doesn't matter and just go through school like that. It doesn't work like that. Oh Amy, keep the two personalities you won't need to change.

Hi, I'm Emily. I'm one of those people who take things very seriously like everything people say. It's like an insult to me. I guess I have the personality of taking everything seriously, not just blowing people off like Amy does. I don't like that and I don't like her very much either. She's the worst friend i've ever seen and her friends are so stupid I don't know how she can even hang out with them it's stupid full out stupid, and I hate it. All of them need to change and be popular like me. I'm in the most popular group of them all. I'm everything a man wants for a guy that Amy's boyfriend should just leave her and be with me, no one deserves.

Hi, I'm Melissa. I know close to everything. I'm also Amy's cousin. She's the best cousin ever except when she has mood swings almost every other day. Since she never tells me anything I know nothing about her personality. Yes I know I'm a family member. I should know more about her but if she doesn't talk what can I do? Look all I know about her is that she hates school, hates everyone, hates texting, hates people texting her, hates people calling her, and that she likes to ride horses but seriously that's seriously all I know about her that she hates a lot of things. She hates mostly everything to be honest. I hope her boyfriend straightens her around.

Why hello there I'm Amy's father my name is David and her personality is very weird but it's hers and I love her because of the happy one some days when she's mean it's almost like I want to yell at her but I can't because the mother (My Wife) says that we shouldn't yell at children because its bad for them don't tell her but I don't really care I can yell at my daughter if I want well that is when she's not there I can yell at her but when she is here I won't yell at Amy. Even though Amy will yell at me she's usually the one that deserves it. Yes I know it's just her personality but she shouldn't be yelling at the ones she loves or she thinks she loves when she's not mean. Hopefully she can get help.

Hey, everyone I don't really know what i'm supposed to be doing but i'm just going to say Hi, I'm Amy's mother my name is Courtney and I also had Amy's personality but I overcame it oh my gosh I just hope she can overcome it like I did. Yes I know not everyone is perfect but still she has got to stop hurting the ones she loves. If she doesn't she will keep hurting the ones she loves or so called loved. She's hurting everyone around her. I mean her cousin knows almost nothing about her, because she won't talk. If she would open up to us we would know more about her. We all know little to nothing about her but we really want to try to know more. She needs to start talking to us, don't shut us out.

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