Chapter 17: Insight from Amy

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The school was so horrible today like you get detention for the stupidest thing anymore. I can't believe it and then the next day in school the power almost went out and everyone started freaking out like seriously guys it's just the power flickering. Amy just rolled her eyes when they started freaking out, William was in that same class as Amy and saw her rolling her eyes. William gave Amy a look. After class that's all everyone was talking about "Oh my goodness the power flickered" this one girl had said to her friend. "I know right so scary" the other girl would say back. 

Like oh my god get over yourself it was just the power it's not the end of the world you know ... I hate those people who freak out over every little thing like dude chill for once. I guess I shouldn't judge people for freaking out over every little thing but oh my god they're so annoying honestly, I used to have this friend that was like that and she still is which is kinda why we aren't friends because I got tired of dealing with her shit all the time and her freaking out about what food she ate at the school and home. Like we went swimming once and she seriously asked me and I kid you not if the water we were in was sanitary. Like girl lighten up honestly just get your ass in the pool and swim ... Later in the year she and I fought because she freaked out about everything and took every joke or anything I said too seriously.

I told her to talk to me again when she has lived a little and isn't freaking out about everything and taking everything too seriously like a random joke I had said. All she said was fine and to talk to her when I'm less mean. Like ok so everyone's not perfect and I get that but honestly ... I can't be friends with someone who does what that friend did. I don't understand how someone can be like that ... like do your parents like not let you do anything around the house or don't let you live your own life because they don't trust you or what? Please explain that to me because I still don't get it. 

Anyway, yea school sucked just like every random horrible school day. William had asked me what I had rolled my eyes for in class after the bell rang and we were supposed to leave. I told him that I had rolled my eyes because the whole class even the teacher was freaking out just because the power was flickering and in the halls that were all people were talking about. I guess some people I just don't understand anymore like hasn't the power ever gone out at your house before, hasn't it ever flickered. I'm so confused like mega confused ... how hasn't the power gone out before. 

There hasn't been a tree falling close to your house and you guys have lost power because of it? I guess I don't understand ... People can be weird sometimes you know but I guess that's what makes their personality theirs ... Kinda like my cousin Melissa, she's not very smart and has to work a lot to get her grades up to where she needs them to be. It's what makes Melissa's personality hers. Just like me ... I was given the gift of two personalities, good and bad and I'm working so hard to overcome the bad one believe me when I say that not getting mad and staying calm is very hard to do when all you want to do is scream at them.

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