Chapter 18: Protection & Bitchy People

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I get home and as soon as I get in the door my mom comes in asking me all these questions about the other day when they ... uh walked in on us just making out ... "Did you guys do anything at all because if you did I need to know so that I know you're not pregnant and we can check and find out" Courtney says to Amy then stares at me like how she was when she had walked in on me. "No mother, we didn't do anything like that all we did was make out. That's what we were doing when y'all walked in on us by the way" Amy tell her and roll my eyes. Amy just starts to walk away because my mother isn't saying anything "Well you should still have protection for kissing as so many bad things could happen with that" Courtney says to me. Amy groans out ... ok so my moms like huge protection things for everything. 

This one year for my birthday she gave me a whole thing of condoms instead of actual presents ... what girl wants condoms as presents ..., not me. "Ughhhh mother we just kissed we don't need protection for that and I assure you that if we are going to do it I will use the whole stack of condoms you guys got me for my birthday just to make you happy, I swear nothing happened between him and I other than us kissing ok?" Amy tells her and starts to walk up the stairs to my room. "Ok fine. I believe you, do you have homework?" Courtney asks me. "Always," Amy tells her. 

Oh my gosh, I had so much homework like it was almost 10:00 before I got it done. Seriously teachers don't you have anything better to do than give your students homework. The principal in our high school is not my favorite person, she seems nice but believes me she's not she's a huge bitch like a mega huge one she's just so mean to me like I can't even explain it. You know the song boys are so ugh by the Haschak Sisters right? Well, imagine there being a song principals who are so ugh like that's how bad she is. 

Ok, so my only actual friend that I had left ... well we got in a fight about something really stupid ... I'm not going to go into details but I lost her as a friend and we're still not talking. The school has been a living hell for me ever since that happened because she keeps doing shit to me to get me pissed off, to get me to turn around, and to get me into trouble. One day she kept kicking my chair and wouldn't stop until I turned around to her. Well I eventually turned around and I thought she'd stop once I turned around but once I turned around to face the front of the classroom against started right back up. The girl should've had her toe hurting by the time class was over. 

After class was over I walked up to her and said "What the hell was that?" "See what happens when you don't listen to me or take my advice?" She says back. Just then William came and put his arms around me. "Come on baby we got to get to class," William says to me kissing me a little on the neck while he talks. 

"Stop it you have no business doing this to me I never did shit to you but help you through your problems and listen to what you had to say when you started talking shit about the whole school including my boyfriend and me so I started sitting with my boyfriend and his friends. So you have no room to talk," I tell her back. With that comment she's furious. "Your such a bitch Amy!" She yells at me. 

"Yea yea I may be a bitch but you'll never be anything to me but just a person who used to be my friend so stay away from William and I got that!" Amy says back at her. With that, I walk out of the classroom William walking next to me. He doesn't say anything because he knows that I don't want to talk about what had just happened. I have very little time to get to class because of her talking for so long to me. 

I also have very little time to calm down before class starts because I know that if I stay pissed I'm just going to be that way the rest of the day and it's not going to be good for when I go home and my mom and dad ask me how school was today and I'm probably going to go off at them because I had a sluggish start to the day today. So uh yeah that kinda happened.

My best friend and worst enemy are living with meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora