Chapter 19: Sleepover

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"Mom?" Amy says to her mom on the phone. Amy waits for her to answer me. Amy's standing outside of the school, the school has just gotten out and she wants to see if she can go over to William's place for a while. "Yes, Amy? What's up? Are you alright?" Courtney says back. "I'm fine mom, I just wanted to ask if I could go over to William's house for a little while?" Amy tells her. "Well yes of course you can," Courtney says and hesitates.

"You guys won't be doing anything sexual will you?" Courtney says. "Ugh, mom do we have to do this right now? I thought you believed me. You don't believe me if you keep bringing it up" Amy says to her mother already getting pissed off because she just had to bring it up. "I was just asking and no we don't have to do this right now but I just want to know if you're going to do things safely if you decide to do it or whenever you decide to do it," Courtney tells her daughter. "Ugh, mom listens to me and listens very closely because I'm only going to say this once I'm just fine ok when or if I ever decide to do it with him I will do things safely, ok but I don't need you telling me to be safe when having sex because I already know that if I don't want to get pregnant my first time having sex I need to be safe" Amy tells her. 

Courtney seems speechless because she's not saying anything on the other end. "Mom? I'm going to go now ok?" Amy tells her. "O ... okay" is all Courtney manages to say back. We hang up the phone. William sees my face and, wonders what's wrong but doesn't say anything to me.

We get to his house and, his mother's home. She's not the first person I wanted to see when I walked in the door. "Hey, William ... Oh uh hey Amy I didn't know you were coming by," Williams's mom tells us as we walk in the door. "Hey mom," William tells her. He's holding my hand and hurrying to the stairs hoping not to talk to his mother very long. 

"I think you guys should study down here today," William's mother says to him. "Mother are you serious when you walked in on us we weren't doing anything but kissing why can't you people get that," William tells her. With saying that he grabs my hand again practically dragging me up the stairs and into his room. He flops on the bed puts his hands to his head and screams. I sit next to him pulling his hands from his head to make him look at me. 

"Moms, am I right they can be so horrible sometimes and so ... so nosey almost all the time," Amy tells him. "Yeah tell me about it. Was your mom saying something similar when you called and asked if you could come here?" William says to me. "Yes she was, she told me to stay safe when I'm with you ... she said she believed me but she doesn't because if she believed me she'd let it go wouldn't she yeah she'd let it go but she can't so she doesn't believe me then right. Exactly, it's almost like she doesn't trust you either but why would she let me marry you if she didn't trust you?" Amy says then shuts up because she realizes she's been talking so much and hasn't let her boyfriend get a word in edgewise. 

William just laughs seeing Amy's face blushing a little and the embarrassment she was feeling because Amy had talked way too much. William pulls Amy onto the bed next to him on the other side so she won't fall off the bed, that would be so embarrassing. Amy snuggle up close to him feeling the warmth of his body go on mine. "I just wish I could go away or live with someone that isn't ... my mom you know?" William says. "Well ..." Amy says pondering what to say next. 

"Well, what?" William says. Amy put's her hand on Williams's chest along with her head squeezing into him more. "Well ... I could ask my parents if you could move in with us if you wanted to move out," Amy tells him. "Are you serious you'd do that?" William says, sounding shocked. "Well yeah you're my fiance so ... yeah I'd do that" Amy tells him. 

William kisses Amy's head bringing her even closer to him than ever before. "I love you so much Amy," William says. "I love you so much too I can't wait until we're married and have an actual life together," Amy tells him. Amy reaches up and kisses him on the lips then goes back down into the position she was in or has been in since we got into his room. "I'm tired," Amy told him. 

"So you want to take a nap because I could leave?" William tells me. "Or I was thinking that we could take a nap together?" Amy tells William with a little smirk. "Oh, my mom wouldn't like this Amy" William tells her. "Since when do you ever listen to what your mother says?" Amy tells him. "Ok you got me there," William says. 

It didn't take us very long to fall asleep, we were more tired than we had led on. It had been a couple of hours at least since we'd been at his place and there was a knock on the door. Amy had heard it but none of us woke up or even moved. The door opened and Amy heard two familiar voices come into the room. It's Amy's mother and Williams mothers voices. 

"Aww, they look so cute when they sleep" Amy hears my mother say. "At least she's safe. I was wondering when she hadn't come home for dinner and hadn't called," Amy heard my mother say. Was it that late? It didn't feel that late. "Well, as soon as she wakes up I'll send her back to you alright Courtney?" Amy hears William's mother say to my mother. But what if Amy doesn't want to go home ... what if she wants to stay here and ... and sleep with him tonight.

They leave William's room shutting the door behind them. Amy sits up in the bed accidentally waking William up. "Mmm, what time is it?" William asks, rubbing his eyes and then looking at me. "Mmm hey beautiful" William says to me. "Holy shit William it's 7 o'clock!!" Amy says to William. 

"No wonder my mother was just here!!" Amy tells him. He can tell that Amy's getting riled up. "Come here baby just come to me," William says putting his arms out. Amy flops down on the bed and crawls into Williams's arms. William puts his arms around Amy and cuddles her. "Now first things first, why was your mother here?" William asks, looking down at Amy. 

"She was here because I missed dinner and she got worried so she came over here and saw me sleeping on top of you and said aww they're so cute when they sleep and at least she's safe and ... and your mother she said that as soon as I was awake she'd send me back to my house ... but ... but what if I don't want to go back to my house what if I want to stay here with you tonight ... don't make me go back tonight pleaseeeeeeee" Amy begs him shedding a tear a little bit. William wipes the tears away from Amy's eyes. "I'm not going to let you go tonight I'm too involved right now to let you go," William tells Amy. Amy hugs and kisses William feeling the warmth from his body again. "I love you and I'm so glad to be staying the night," Amy tells him. "I love you too babe and I'm so glad you're staying the night too," William says to Amy reaching down and swooping her into a kiss.

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