Chapter 5: Carla's story

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Hi, it's Carla again and I'm going to tell you about Amy's personalities. At one point she can be really nice and happy and cheerful but other times she's really mean and a bitch and wants to bite everyone's head off. When she's really nice she tends to say things like "How are you today" and "it's a great day to be alive" and "isn't it a beautiful day outside right now?". When she's really really happy she tends to say things like "Omg that's awesome im so proud of you" and "Awesome" and "That is totally great". When she's really cheerful she tends to say things like "Yay! I'm so cheerful!" and "Let's do this!" and "wah-hoo." When she's really mean she says things like "Your really annoying" and "Go away" and "Stop texting me i don't like you." 

When she's being a real bitch she usually says things like "I'm triggered" and "Some people will do anything if they think it'll make them popular" and "What are you looking at." When she really wants to bite someones head off she usually says something like "Son of a bitch" and "Sorry not sorry about what i said'' and "Why not kill yourself, here have a sedative." Yea ... she can be a total bitch sometimes she says she's totally innocent but ... I definitely call bull shit on that one. That son of a bitch is gonna get it one day if she doesn't straighten up her act. Well see ya bitches. Imma oop out of this for right now.

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