Chapter 21: Overthinker

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After spending the night at Williams's house to help him pack Amy kisses him goodbye and wanders home. "I'm so excited for him to be living with us," Amy thinks to herself and smiles. "But you are not excited for him to live with you, you are afraid." this voice says interrupting my thoughts. Amy looks around thinking it was someone talking to her but when Amy looks around there's no one on the streets but her. 

"Hm must be hearing things," Amy thinks. "You are not hearing things, this is your conscious talking you idiot," the voice says back. Amy jumps and looks around, but still no one around her. "Am I seriously hearing things? This can't be." Amy says out loud this time. 

"You are hearing me you idiot I'm talking to you! I'm inside you in your head!" the voice says back yelling this time. "Ok ok, no need to be so harsh damn chill out will you," Amy says ... then stops, did Amy just answer... this voice inside her head? 

"Of course, you did because I can hear everything you think and say out loud," the voice says back. Amy breaks out into a run. "Stop talking to me" Amy screams at the voice. Amy finally reaches her house no one's around of course and she slams the door shut. "This ... can't ... be ... happening," Amy says through panting. 

"Oh, but it is and you can never get rid of me no matter how hard you try I'll always be here." The voice says back. "No, I want you to go away and leave me the hell alone!" Amy yells at the voice. Just then Amy's mom rushes in the door "What's going on! What happened!! Why are you panting?" Courtney asks me. 

"N ... nothing mom nothing is going on nothing happened or is happening and I'm panting because I ran home," Amy says back to her mother and starts to head up to Amy's room. "You liar," the voice says. Amy smiles at her mom and then hurry's up the stairs. When Amy gets to her room Amy closes the door and locks it hoping that Amy's mom won't follow her up and try to get Amy to open it. 

Amy flips open the laptop and gets onto hangouts typing fast. Amy texts William to see if he can video chat. When William comes back with a "Yeah sure give me a couple of minutes" Amy lets out a sigh of relief. The hangout ringtone rings on my screen a moment later and Amy hurry to answer it. "Oh my god hey! After I left your place ... things have ... I ... things have just been weird" Amy says to William. 

"What do you mean what's going on?" William asks me. "I ... I'm hearing this voice in my head and it started on the walk home ... every time I think or say something I ... it answers I thought it was someone on the street but when I looked around ... there was no one there no one at all ... so I ran home and it ... it was still there what do you think it could be ... or do you think I'm just crazy?" Amy tells William and then looks into the screen eagerly waiting for him to answer. William takes a long moment pondering this before he answers. 

"Of course, I don't think you're crazy and even if I did I'd still love you, I think this is just a phase you're going through with your different personalities you'll be ok it'll be ok I'll help you through it just try to ignore it ok? Promise me you'll try?" William says. "I'll try thanks baby, I can't wait to see you againnnnn" Amy tells him. "Me too babe I'll see you soon ok?" William says. 

"Okay baby I love you," Amy says to him. "I love you too babe," William says back. William ends the call and Amy closes the laptop and lays back on her bed. The voice doesn't come back for the rest of the night "Hopefully it was just a one-time thing" Amy thinks to herself.

My best friend and worst enemy are living with meKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat