Chapter 14: Random talks with boyfriend

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I asked William to come over and well he must have been in his car when I called him because he was here in like 5 minutes and it usually takes him 10 or more if he's being lazy. There's no doubt that I missed him because I did ... I really really did. This gave us time to talk about what happened today and maybe even get some studying in. William walks right up to the door and comes right in without knocking. "You're supposed to knock, you know." I tell him when he walks through the door. "Oh really?" He says as he comes to me wrapping me into one of his hugs. "Yea but I guess I'll let it slide" I tell him trying not to laugh. "Good because I'll pay in a different way" He says to me, smirking. "Oh really? What way?" I tell him smiling back at him.

 "This way" He says. I don't even get a word out when he picks me up putting my legs around him and kissing me long hard and deep. Just then my mom comes in seeing us. "Awwwww young love sweetest thing ever" She says. We pull away from the kiss, my face all red from him and my mother embarrassing me. "Mom?" I tell her with that look on my face like seriously. "Sorry you two are just so cute together" Courtney says back to me. "Motherrrr" I tell her, feeling my face getting redder with embarrassment. "Ok ok i'll stop hi William" she says walking past him and winking at him. I groan "Motherrrrr seriously." "Ok ok I'm gone" she says walking away out of the room. 

"Sorry about that" I tell William as I just realize that i'm still hanging on him. "It's okay, it was kind of funny anyway" He tells me. "Definitely not funny ... anyway do you want to go up to my room so we can talk and not be interrupted?" I ask him, feeling his gaze still on me. "Yea sure why not" He tells me. I get off him and he puts an arm around me as we walk up the stairs to my bedroom. We just get sat down on the bed when both my parents come in. "Seriously mom and dad my door was shut" I tell them. "I know but we just had to make sure you all weren't doing anything" My parents say in unison. "Look guys were just talking about things that happened today at the school, nothing sexual about that now is there" I tell them trying to not go off at them with William sitting right there next to me. 

"Well no ..." My dad tells me. "Well leave and let you two talk then" My mother says. They leave and William just looks at me. "What?" I ask him. "I'm proud of you babe you didn't yell at your parents or go off at them thats a huge step for you" He tells me. "Haha yeah well I had good help for that and for me to not go off at them or get mad at them" I tell him and then kiss him again. He returns the kiss and says  "Awww thanks babe glad I could help you" "So what happened today ... Did Carla just want to get back at us for me stealing you back or what because I feel like we did something wrong for her to tell me something like that ..." I tell him then wait for what he is going to say.

 "What no baby we didn't do a thing for her to do that ... she was just being her normal bitchy self and felt like saying what she did" William tells me back leans closer to me and looks at me "Get it out of your head Carla and her other friends have no business with us don't listen to them ok and if you have a problem or they say something that your not sure is true come to me ok I will tell you" He whispers to me. "I will remember to do that next time and won't get mad at you for it even though it's most likely not true" I tell him. "Now that's my girl you're awesome Amy don't let anyone bring you down" He tells me and pushes me into him for a hug. I wrap my arms around him knowing this is going to turn into us cuddling. 

"Noooo your awesome ... I don't know how you stick with me sometimes babe because I can be a handful" I tell him and he looks down at me. "No doubt you're a bit of a handful sometimes but I still love you ... that's why I've stuck with you is because I love you and I mean really love you" He tells me then kisses the top of my head. "Awww well thanks baby I'm glad you stuck with me and you love me because I love you too" I say to him and look up at him smiling. He brings his neck down to me and kisses me. "Better now?" He tells me after the kiss. "Much better," I told him back. He smiles just then his mom comes into my room. "Ugh your with her again" She says.

 "Mother what are you doing here and yes I'm with her again because I love her and plan to marry her" William tells his mother ... I just love how he stands up for me. It's so cute the way that he does. His mother faints at the thought of me becoming her daughter in law when she finally wakes up she's still in my room. "You ruined my son's life! He had a chance to get a scholarship and now he's not going to get it because of you!" She yells at me. I don't say anything back because I know I'm going to regret it. "Mother!! It's not her fault ... It's yours ... I didn't get the scholarship because I didn't want one at that University ... I wanted to go somewhere else and you just applied there for me without me even telling you where I wanted to go! So if it's anyone's fault it's yours because I damn well know that I didn't apply to go to a rich kid university." He yells at his mother. 

His mother doesn't say anything. All she does is storms out of my room. William sits back down on the bed. I can see that he's not himself. "Baby calm down I know what she did was horrible but you need to calm down ok?" I kiss him after I tell him that ... trying to lighten the mood or do something ... He returns the kiss but doesn't say anything back to me. "Don't make me have to tickle you" I tell him, trying to get him to laugh a little. He's ticklish in like every part of his body so I know it will get him to laugh. He still doesn't answer all he does is look down at me. I start to tickle him and he immediately starts laughing. "See I told you it would work" I told him. "Yes you did" he tells me back through laughing and wheezing. 

Just then his hands move to my stomach and he starts tickling me back. "Ahhhhh stopppp I can't take it" I tell him through laughing. "Just revenge for you doing it to me" He says then laughs. After a while of that William tells me that he should go back home. I ask him if he really wants to be with his mother the way she is. He says no but he needs to. I asked him if he wanted to sleep here tonight to let his mom calm down a little he said sure. It was awesome we had a blast that night.

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