Chapter 16: Friendly visit (not)

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The next day on Sunday Emily, Melissa, and Carla came to see Amy at her house. I wasn't happy to see Emily and Carla knowing what they did to William and me. I let them in because my mother tells me do unto others as they do to you. When they were in the living room setting down I texted William to get over here, two seconds later William came in opened the door, and coming into the living room sat down next to me his face slumped when he sees Carla and Emily. He lowers his volume so only I can hear him and whispers in my ear. "What are they doing here?" 

"I don't know, they just showed up" I whispered back. "And you let them in??" William asks me in a really low tone. "Yes, because my mom says do unto others as they do to you," I tell him back. William doesn't say anything back he just turns his head looking at Carla and Emily. "Why are you guys here?" William asks them. 

"Just paying a friendly visit to my friend's house," Emily says and smiles at him. "Yeah right do you think Amy would let you guys be friends with her again after what y'all did to her and I! Might I remind you," William answers in a raised voice. I put my hand in his, feeling him untense and relax. "Aw come on William you still can't get over that I want you more than she does," Carla says then smirks at the both of us this time I was the one that went off at them. "Yes he still can't get over what you two did to us and neither can I ... I let you guys in because my mom says to be nice to everyone but honestly I can't be nice to people that steal my boyfriend away from me. 

So in that case Get Out!" I snap at them. My boyfriend doesn't do or say anything. He knows not to interrupt me when I'm like this, especially with Carla and Emily. "Damn girl, calm down," Carla says to me. "What the hell William, are you seriously going to let her talk to us this way?" Emily snaps at William. 

William looks at Emily and Carla then at me then back at Carla and Emily. "Yes yes, I am going to let her talk to you guys this way because you guys deserve it what y'all did was horrible and so wrong, and honestly Amy has a right to be pissed off by that. Now do us a favor and get the hell out of this house unless you came here to apologize" William says then crosses his arms. "Fine, we will leave," Emily says. "And we're not apologizing to either of you," Carla says.

"Oh, and hey William has fun with washed-out worn-out old parts too," Carla says and snickers at us then starts laughing. I didn't say anything because I was trying to stay calm but William went off. "What the hell Carla, what gives you the frickin right to talk to us like that just because you're pissed that I'm back with Amy does not give you the right to talk to us like this like what the hell Amy asked you guys to leave and you guys couldn't just leave peacefully. Oh, and for the record, Amy does not have broken down washed-out old parts" William snaps at Carla the best he can without going at her. Just then William takes and puts his hands on Emily and Carla's backs and pushes them towards the door William then opens the door and shoves them out. "There's the door, don't let it hit you in your ass on the way out," William says then starts laughing slamming the door shut in their faces. 

William makes his way back to us and then stares at my cousin Melissa. Melissa sees his gaze on her "Don't worry I'm leaving you ain't gotta shove me out the door too" Melissa says. "Wasn't going to," William says. Melissa finally leaves and we are finally alone. "I'm sorry she said that to you she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about," William tells me and hugs me. 

"I know I just shouldn't have let them in at all," I tell him as Amy return's the hug. "Maybe but I'm glad you texted me to come over or it could've gotten way out of hand," William tells me then smirks. "Way out of hand??? My cousin is afraid of you because she thought you were going to kick her out too so yeah it's already gotten way out of hand" Amy tells him. William just laughs and doesn't say a word. 

Just then my mother comes in "oh god what this time what embarrassment does she have for me today" Amy thinks to herself. Courtney doesn't say a word and just keeps walking past us and out the door. This is a relief I might add because my face doesn't need to be read from her. I honestly just can't wait to be out of school and go to college where I can move out permanently. For real though she embarrasses me so much that my face is almost always red anymore like seriously.

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