Chapter 10: The big date

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My mom knocks on my door and says "Can I come in?" "Yes you can" I tell her. She opens the door comes inside and sits on the bed staring at me. "What?" I ask her. "Sooooo did you find out why he didn't call you or answer any of your calls??" She asks me wanting to know all the gossip that went on the other day. "Oh mother seriously don't pry that's nuts ... but if you must know yes I did he said he was busy with things and didn't check his phone." I tell her. "Sorryyyy I just want to know okkkkk ... and that's great that he actually told you what happened and why he ignored you." she says with a smirkish grin. "Oh stop it mom" I tell her, trying not to laugh but failing horribly. 

Just then William peeks his head in my room saying "Oh god i'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude I just came over to see if Amy wanted to go out her dad let me in ... but I can come back later if you're in the middle of something." "No no Amy and I were just talking about different things and how shitty school is and that stupid teacher that gave her a detention for getting a question wrong." Courtney says to him. "Motherrrrr" I say to her , my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. William just laughs and says "Ok then" he takes my hand in his then leads me out of my room. "Wait, I need to change to go out," I tell him. "What are you talking about? You look gorgeous" He smirks at me as he tells me that. My cheeks flush again as I smile back at him. "Wait here" I tell him as I move away from his hand tangled in mine. He sighs and says "okay".

2 minutes later

I walk out of my room wearing a red dress, red heels, my hair pulled up and dangling earrings. William turns around seeing me and his mouth falls open. He is speechless I can tell. "Oh my god your even more gorgeous now than before" he says as his mouth finally shuts. I laugh and walk towards him taking my hand in his as we walk down the stairs past the living room and kitchen out the door to his car he opens the passenger door of the car for me I get in then he shuts it and walks around to the drivers side and slides in the hot way that he does leans over to me kisses me then starts the car and backs out of my driveway. We get to the place he was taking me. He opens the doors for me. 

All the lights are off just then they flicker on and multiple people are standing around on the other side of the shelves. I look at him confused "Where exactly are we?" I ask him. "You'll see" he tells me with a smirkish grin on his face. It's a ring place ... but I still don't know what his plan is or why he brought me here. I start to walk around and look at all the rings then I find a ring I absolutely love. I turn to walk out when I see William talking to one of the ring specialists. I can't hear what they're saying but I can see their mouths moving. William finally gets done talking to the specialist and walks over to me and asks if I was ready to get out of here I told him I was and we leave the building when we get back to the car I ask "What were you talking to that specialist about??"

 He looks at me and says "You'll find out later in time just no snooping and asking around." I laugh "Me snooping around I'd never do that" I tell him. "Oh yeah you'd absolutely never ever do that" He says and laughs as he looks into my eyes. "Oh shut up" I say as I playfully hit his arm and laugh while I do so. "Hey Ow" He says, faking him being injured. "What I didn't even hit you that hard," I told him. "I can't drive now you have to drive my arms busted" He says, smirking at me. "Oh just shut up and kiss me will you" I tell him and laugh not thinking he would actually do it. He comes closer to me wrapping his arms around me, looking hard into my eyes, and kisses me deeply. I put my hands around his neck kissing him back passionately. He pulls back from the kiss, looks at me and says "I love you Amy" "I love you too" I say to him.

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