Chapter 13: Carla's Ways

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I got to school and of course William was already waiting there at my locker for me. "Hey baby" I say to him when I come walking up and kissing him on the lips. "Well good morning beautiful" He says back as he returns the kiss. "Ew you two get a damn room will you." Carla says as she comes walking up to us. We end the kiss and I walk up to her, my boyfriend behind me with his hands on my shoulders. "What do you want Carla? Do you have another one of those pills to give to William in an attempt to get him back and let Emily win? It's not going to work even if you try because he loves me and will always come back to me no matter what the hell you do" I tell her. "Awwww are you seriously still mad about that lighten up girl it was a joke and oooo cool ring where'd you get it." Carla tells William and I.

 Knowing that I'm getting pissed off William puts his hands on my waist knowing that if I try to go at her he could stop me in a second. "A joke? A JOKE!!! Your friend made me take that then she ran away and you came out and took me away from Amy! And your supposed to be her friend! You are no friend if you do that to her just to get her back." William practically screams at Carla. "Awww come on don't yell at me baby you know your still mine we were meant to be together you know that I can feel it come back to me" Carla says to him knowing it will put me over the edge. "That's it Carla" I tell her and start to lunge at her but fail because Williams arms are tightly around me. 

Carla steps backward a couple feet from us so she's out of my hitting range. "Amy stop I love Amy for her nothing more nothing less stop doing this Carla. I mean do you do this for fun or because your such a bitch that you had to do this to please yourself or did you do it because you saw the movie Mean Girls and saw them do a bun book and thought this was your way of doing it? Honestly I think it's all three" William tells her. "How rude oh and Amy" Carla says and snickers. "What" Amy says as her eyes lock onto Carla. "William told me that he loves you just for your body" Carla says then laughs. "Get your ass out of here Carla go on get your ass out of here" William yells at Carla. 

Carla runs away scared of how William had just yelled at her, William releases his grasp aroundme after she goes away, I turn around to him. "How could you! How could you tell her you love me only for my body" I scream at him, William comes closer. "Baby come on we haven't even had sex yet how could I love you for your body if I haven't even seen anything yet?" He says and looks at me. I sigh ... He's right we haven't done it yet ... so how could he have seen me like that before ... "Your right ok ... I'm sorry ... I got pissed over nothing ... I don't deserve you ..." I tell him as I lay my head on his chest putting my arms around him feeling tears coming down my face. 

I feel him put his hand on my head running his fingers through my hair, his other hand wiping my tears away. "Baby you deserve me ... You deserve every inch of me no matter what anyone else thinks don't be sorry for overreacting. Carla was just being her bitchy self and once again trying to make you jealous and mad but don't listen to her don't you dare listen to her, you got it?" He tells me and I can't help but smile. I needed to hear that ... he always knows just what to tell me and knows just how to make me feel better. "I needed that" I say pulling my head off him as I look up and smile at him. "I know you did," He says wrapping me up in his arms smiling and hugging me. 

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