Chapter 11: The Proposal

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I got home that night coming inside my room flopping down onto my bed screaming into my pillow. "Oh my god I can't stop smiling." My parents came in and asked how it went and where we went and I told them and then couldn't stop smiling after.

The next day

William didn't come to school today and I don't know why he's texting me back but won't answer my calls. He says he will see me tonight and that he has a surprise for me ... but what would that be? 

At Amy's home

"Look, it's Amy's boyfriend. What would he be here for? It's not like Amy's here or anything." Courtney says to her husband. "I don't know but I'll get the door," David answered. He walks up to the door, opens it and sees William standing there sweating. "What are you so nervous about, son come on in." David asks William. "Oh uh thank you sir." William says to David and Courtney. "Shouldn't you be in school?" Courtney asks William. "Oh uh y ... yes ma'am but I ... I took the day off" He says to her. "Ok so what did you want to talk to us about?" David asks William with a puzzled look. "Oh uhm I ... I want to marry your daughter sir and ... and I know she's still in high school but I ... I love her and I swear I won't ever hurt her and love her forever no matter what ... like we haven't even done anything sexual yet ... So I've come to get your blessing on marrying her" William says to Courtney and David and waits patiently. 

"Oh my god we give our blessing for you to be her husband your really good to her I can tell" Courtney tells William. "Wait are you serious!!! I seriously won't let you down. I swear it" He exclaims then stands up and shakes his soon to be father in law's hand and hugs his soon to be mother in law.

That night

I get ready to go out looking at myself many times in a mirror then walk downstairs to see my boyfriend sitting in a chair waiting for me. He sees me out of the corner of his eyes and then says "wow." I come to him and hug him then he brings me outside to his car. I get in and we leave my driveway and drive to a restaurant downtown. "Why weren't you at school today?" I ask him, eyeing him suspiciously. "I overslept and then didn't feel like going in so I just stayed home the rest of the day." He answers keeping his eyes on the road. "Oh okay" I answered back. The rest of the car ride to the restaurant was silent. We get there, go inside and then go to a table to eat dinner. He's nervous I can tell. "I need to just ask her ... But what if she says no ..." William thinks to himself. 

"Amy, I need to tell you something," he says to me looking me straight in the eyes. "Okay, what is it?" I ask him. "You have made me such a better man than I was before I met you and you inspire me to be the best me that I can be. I realized a long time what I wanted and I hope you want that too ... Amy I love you so much and want to be yours forever I'm nothing without you. You make me so happy and I can't see the rest of my life without you" He says to me as he gets up and gets down on one knee. I put my hands up by my mouth, my eyes filling with tears. "Amy, will you marry me and be my one and only." He says as he holds out the ring that I picked out and looks up at me waiting for an answer. 

"Oh my gosh yes I will marry you" I tell him through the tears coming down my face. He wipes the tears from my face, kisses me then puts the ring on my fourth finger on my left hand. By now the whole restaurant is clapping for us. I smile at him as I hug him. "I love you baby" I tell him. "I love you more" He tells me as he runs his fingers through my hair.

Back at home

I ask him if he wants to come inside for a while but he says he should get home. I kiss him goodnight and go inside. I get inside and my parents are up waiting for me then my mom just can't stand it anymore "Did you get it did you get the ring???" She asks with excitement. "Yes I got it" I say to her and smile as I put my hand out for her to see the ring. "It's so beautiful I'm so happy for you guys" She says to me. "I'm so happy too mom I can't believe it's really happening" I tell her. "I knew it would happen, I just didn't think it would happen this soon" Courtney tells her daugher.

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