Chapter 4: Amy Loses boyfriend

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"Hey William, what's up?"Rachel asked William. Small talk was the best way to start a conversation or so she thought. "Not much Rachel what about you?" William asked her. "Me neither surprisingly." Rachel told him even though she was up to something but couldn't tell him what was going on. "That's good" William told her. "Ig" Rachel told him. Ok she thought it was time to make him take it. "Here take this" Rachel told him. "What is it?" He asked her. "It's medicine, you're looking a little pale" Rachel lied. "Oh ok then" He told her. Then he took them out of her hand and swallowed them. When he took them Rachel ran away. Then Carla comes out. "Hey hot stuff" Carla says to him. "So beautiful" He says to her. Just like that he was under her spell. "You are with me now, you are not with Amy anymore," Carla says to him. "Amy, who you are my girlfriend and have always been," He says to her.

The next hour

Amy called her boyfriend's house he picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" he says "Hey baby wanna do something tonight?" Amy says. "Um whos this?" He asks. "This is your girlfriend don't you remember?" Amy asked him. "No I don't think your my girlfriend because I would remember if you were" He tells her. "Then whos your girlfriend?" Amy asks him. "Carla is'' He replied almost instantly. "Carla?" she says. "Yes Carla" he repeats again. Instantly Amy hangs up the phone. "Hello?" He says. "Hello Amy?" He says again. He hangs up the phone with no answer on the other end. "Carla how could he be dating Carla?" She asks herself. After thinking about it her eyes start to water. 

Just then her mother walks in Amy's room and sees her eyes. "Oh my god honey what's the matter?" Courtney asks her. "My boyfriend is dating Carla now he doesn't remember that we were ever dating '' Amy tells her mother. "Well it sounds to me that Emily has him under some kind of spell" Courtney told her. "I mean he loves you why would he just do that if he wasn't under some kind of spell?" Courtney asked her. Just then it dawned on her, wasn't there something that could make the boy fall in love with the first person he sees? Yes that was it my mother was right he is under a spell. "You we're right mother he is under some kind of spell." She tells her. 

"There is this medicine that boys can take that makes them fall in love with the first person they see and the first person he saw was Carla'' Amy says to her Mother. "Well how do we undo the spell?" Courtney tells her. "I don't know but I can do some research on it." Amy says to her. "Yes you do that'' Courtney said after a long pause she went on "I'll do the same thing too, I'll do research on it too" Courtney says. "Oh my gosh thank you mother thank you so much I love you so much" Amy exclaims to her mother while hugging her. "Oh my your so welcome hon'' Courtney told her.

After a long time of research ...

After being done with research they come together and say what research they have. "Hm I found that it can be broken with a single kiss" Amy tells her mother. "As did I, But I also found something else to look at this hon," Courtney told her. "While the kiss may work to get rid of the spell the spell can come back" Amy and her Mother read aloud at the same time. "So the kiss doesn't always work," Amy told her mother. "So i'm doomed? I'm doomed and I will never get him back?" Amy told her. "It doesn't mean it won't you don't have a thing to lose you know that right?"Courtney told her. "Yes I have something to lose" Amy told her mother. "Oh what's that?" Courtney asked her. "My boyfriend and my pride" Amy says starting to cry again. "Because if I lose my boyfriend I will never move on and Emily will win" "For my pride I have little to zero now because she did this" Amy told her mother.

 "Don't cry it's going to be alright you will get him back, and for your pride you just need to beat Emily at her own game" Courtney told her. "I feel like I've already lost him. I feel like I've lost him forever because he doesn't remember anything that we did or how we did it," Amy says, fully crying now. "Honey don't cry it will be fine you will see you didn't lose him you never totally lose someone" Courtney told her. "How do you know it's not like you have ever dealt with this before? Have you?" Amy asked her mother. "Yes, actually I have," Courtney told her. "How? What happened?" Amy asked her. "Well, I almost lost your father we were fighting long before you were born and he walked out on me and I thought he would never come back but I was wrong he came back two days later, but those days were the worst days of my life I didn't know what to do with myself when he left" Courtney told her. 

"Wow i'm so sorry I guess you can relate to this what i'm going through" Amy said to her mother. "Yes I can" Courtney told her. "But I got through it with help as can you. Why don't you ask your friends to help you like I did?" "I can't all my friends are ... wait did your friends help you overcome it?" asks Amy in mid thought. "Well ... Yes they did" said Courtney knowing her mistake after she said it. "No! I will not ask my friends for help just because you want me too and your friends helped!" said Amy

My best friend and worst enemy are living with meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن