Chapter 12: People talk

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The next day at school everyone was staring at William and I ... Did they know? Did they know he proposed to me last night? What was going on? "Heyyy my awesome hot and beautiful Fiance" William says to me as he walks up to me leaning against the other kids lockers. I turn and look at him not saying anything. "Uh whats going on babe. Oh my god did I do something wrong? Did something happen?" He asks me totally freaking out. "Did you tell the whole school that you proposed to me, because they've all been looking at me weird today like they know something and won't tell me what they know haven't you noticed them looking at you weird and then when you walk by they whisper about you?" I ask him in a low voice so no one hears me but him. 

"What no of course not there's no way I would do that I don't need the whole school knowing and I definitely know that you don't want that either and yes I have noticed that they've been talking and looking at me weird but I've brushed it off" He tells me. "Ok" I tell him and turn away from him. He turns me back around to look at him but I don't. I look down at his feet or at least try too. He puts his finger up under my chin to make me look up at him. "Look who cares what they talk about or how they look at us or anything like that what matters is that were together and i'm going to get to spend the rest of my life with you for better or worse no matter what the hell happens between us or how much we fight or whatever I love you for you ok and that will never change it will only grow ok?" He tells me then leans down and kisses me on the lips pushing me back against the lockers. "Mmm Okay" I tell him and smile through blushing so much. By now everyones looking at us whispering again but I don't care or at least I didn't care until I was at home thinking about it again. 

At home

"Hey hun how was school" my mom asks me. I put my stuff down without answering her and walk past her up the stairs and go into my room flopping on the bed my mom immediately follows me in. "What happened today?" She asks me. I groan and look up at her. "Go away will you please just GO AWAY I don't want to talk about it so stop prying I don't even care anymore just go ok ..." I snap at her. My mother looking scared that I changed from being so happy and so mean and rude in only one day "O ... Okay ... I'll leave but I'm always here if you want to talk about it" she answers. "Don't count on it because I'm never ever going to talk about it" I tell her.

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