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Life of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

2020 ©Tena Ifiemi


ΞЛТΞЯłЛG łЛТФ ТHΞ ЯФФM, I banged the door loudly behind me to alert Chisom of my presence. The noise made her jump and she quietly moved away from my wardrobe. Taking note of my face, she hissed and rolled her eyes.

"So its even you."

I didn't say anything for a while. I just stood there staring at her while she moved to her own wardrobe and started taking things out of it. I wanted to say something-I felt like I had to-but what to say and how to say it, I didn't know.

"Chisom, I don't know what I did to you..." I started and she gave a short laugh. The courage I had mustered up shrunk at that but I pushed on. "But I'm sorry. I swear I don't know anything about any outing with Mitchell. I don't even have feelings for him. Mitchell and I are just friends, Chisom."

I stopped there because I didn't have anything else to say and when Chisom didn't speak, I felt dumb for even saying anything. I noticed that in the time I was talking she had finished undressing and wrapped her towel around her body securing it with a hand on her chest. Picking up her bucket, she walked to me and placed a free hand on my shoulder.

"You should really stop talking to me." She said. "Cause I'll never have anything to say to you. You're not worth my time Ejiro." With that, she walked past me making sure to brush her shoulder against mine with a force that screamed 'I hate you.'

But why? I have been careful. I have done everything differently! While I didn't expect people to like me and want to be friends with me, I didn't think anyone would actually hate me! Except if its for being quiet and avoiding trouble. And apparently, having a boy as your friend.

Knocking the door impatiently, Chisom finally got my attention.

"I hope you realize that you'll pay for what both Ovieya and Kadijah did." That being said, she banged the door shut and my head reciprocated the action; It suddenly felt like twenty women were pounding foo-foo on my skull. How it hadn't cracked already, I really didn't know.

This payback Chisom talked about, I didn't know what it was and at that moment I didn't think much about it because the women in my head were not done pounding their foo-foo yet. But later on, I would wish that my head didn't hurt so much so that I could've focused more on what Chisom said. Because she meant it.

Same time, the next day, Dami came to our room looking very upset. She went to Nini and they spoke in hushed whispers but I managed to hear bits and pieces especially when Nini started to raise her voice.

"But I warned you about this..."

"What will you tell mommy now?"

"Daddy will kill you."

So I knew it had to be bad.

Then Ayo finally asked what we've all been dying to know. I don't know why she and Chisom didn't ask since but as for me, I didn't ask because I don't think Dami likes me very much. Since that Chisom incident she has been very hostile.

"Dami, what happened?" Ayo asked. Dami hesitated but Nini probed her.

"Let's just tell them Dami, they might be able to help. Besides, its not as if anybody would snitch."

At this Dami glanced at me. What?! Did she think... I suddenly didn't even want to know anymore.

"So..." Dami started. "I brought my phone to school and now I can't find it."

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