Chapter 12: The Promise...

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After arriving from Daily 5 News and returning home...

As Royce was holding hands with Carmelita and entering their apartment, Carmelita got a curious look in her eyes as she stared at Royce.

Royce: "First of all Carmelita, stop staring at me like that, and Second, there's something I need you need to see." Royce says to Carmelita as she follows the 21- year-old human as he starts to write down something all the way down to the bottom of the page, "This Carmelita, you know what this is?"

Carmelita: "What? A contract? You gonna ask me to agree to something that I might not want to agree to? I know where this is going; I'm not doing it!"

Royce: "At least read the darn piece of paper before you throw it away like it's nothing! Who knows, maybe you'll agree to the terms..." Royce said trying to convince the Interpol Vixen, "It's about the little stunt that we're together thing..."

Carmelita then picks up Royce's paper and begins scanning over it.

Carmelita: "Hmm... temporary relationship, deception to public, only show affection in public... what are you trying to get at specifically, Royce?" Royce only looked at Carmelita with a somewhat coy smile. "Wait a minute! This is about what happened in that News Room and that Interview, isn't it?!"

Royce: "Maybe..."

Carmelita: "Oh My Gosh, it is! That's why you were holding my hand in the News Room!"

Royce: "Yep, you're pretty smart, err~ clever for an Interpol Agent. Now, continue reading." As Carmelita kept reading the "Contract", she eventually reached the bottom, smiled and signed the agreement, "I think you just made a good decision Carmelita." Before pulling her in, and giving her a kiss, making her blush as a result.

Carmelita: "That was sudden... I- uh..."

Royce: "A 'Thank You' would suffice. That, and we can keep the illusion that we're in a real relationship. You'd want that, wouldn't you Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "Definitely." Carmelita said as she laid a finger upon Royce's mouth, silencing him with a seductive smile.

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