Chapter 27: The B.A.C. Interview

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One Week Later...

A phone goes off, loud enough to wake Carmelita but not enough to wake Royce from his sleep and to which he couldn't hear. But unfortunately the sonic phone call woke Ashloy up too and did not feel so pleasant, hearing a noise she wasn't accustomed to.

Ashloy: "Aunt Carmelita..."

Carmelita: "I know..." Carmelita whispered to Ashloy as she proceeded to grab the phone and answer it, "Hello, Fox Residence. To whom am I speaking to?"

Receptionist: "The B.A.C. Mam. Is this 'Ms.Fox' I am speaking to?"

Carmelita: "Yes?"

Receptionist: "Good. Do you think you and your spouse, err~ Mr.DeBarry could be here before 3:00P.M.?"

Carmelita: "Most likely," Carmelita says as she looks at the calendar across from her bed, "yes, I can be there before 3:00P.M., see you soon."

Receptionist: "You too, Ms.Fox."

Once Carmelita finished talking to the Receptionist, she proceeded to grab a nearby air-horn and put it up against his ear. Before threatening to use it on him as she attempted to gently wake him up.

Carmelita: "Royce, Royce, you need to wake up. We need to go to that B.A.C. interview for your psyche examination." Carmelita told the 21-year-old as he woke up a bit dazed, "good, you're awake. Good thing too, I didn't want to have to use this air-horn."

Royce: "I... Hate... Air-horns...uh," Royce tells his Vixen friend as she looks at him confused, "why do I..." Royce then shakes his head wildly before hitting his head twice and officially waking up for the day, "why do I have to need a Psych Evaluation? Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "I think you have something else and it's NOT your Epilepsy that's affecting your behavior. That's what I suspect. And that's why we're going to have you go through a Psych Evaluation. I already made an appointment scheduled and we will be there 3:00."

This in turn earn an angry face from Royce, something she hadn't seen in a while.

Carmelita: "You're angry, aren't you?"

Royce: "Agitated, with a bit of irritation."

After eating breakfast, taking a shower, getting fully dressed, and ready to leave...

Carmelita: "Ashloy, get your stuffed human doll, cat or fox and let's go and get in the car. We need to leave, like now."

Ashloy: "OKay!" Ashloy says with a smile as she decides to grab her stuffed human doll, "I got it."

1 Hour Later...

Carmelita: "Well... we're back. You ready for your Psychological Examination, Royce?"

Royce: "No?"

Carmelita: "Don't worry, there are NO wrong answers. Just remember that."

Royce: "OK."

Then the trio enters the entrance to the B.A.C. where Carmelita checks in with the Receptionist whom then directs the human and Vixen towards the Psychologists' room after being given specific directions on how to get to the specific floor and room number.

Once Carmelita, Ashloy and Royce reached the Psychologists' room, she immediately opened the door and only let Royce (due to him being the patient) and having him follow her to the designated room so she could start his Psychological Examination.

Royce: "Don't I know you from somewhere," Royce questioned the Psychologist while squinting at her physical form, "no, it can't be. Jessica! Uh-O."

Jessica Harley: "Hush! Now we're going to do a few tests..."

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