Chapter 26: Going To The B.A.C.

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Carmelita: "Say what about me," the Interpol Vixen asks as she wakes up from her sluggish sleep, "and who are you two talking to?" Carmelita says with exhaustion.

Ashla: "Hello Carmelita..."

Carmelita: "Hi." Carmelita said with little care as she went to make herself some coffee and breakfast.

Ashla: "What's up with her? She seems exhausted."

Royce: "Probably is..."

Carmelita: "Royce, today I'm taking you to the B.A.C. And we're going to see if your Epilepsy is the TRUE cause of your strange behavior or if it is something entirely different."

Royce: "Huh? What's the B.A.C.?"

Carmelita: "Behavior Analysis Center, we're going to get you admitted into their system and then we'll get to the point of seeing if you have any disorders, defects, whatnot or whatever. Cause I suspect that you may have a disorder or something."

Half an hour later...

Receptionist: "Hello there, how may I help you two?"

Carmelita: "I believe my friend may have some sort of developmental disorder or some sort of mental disability. And I'm here for a check-in to start his pre-examination."

Receptionist: "Name, please?"

Carmelita: "It's 'Carmelita: Carmelita Montoya Fox'."

Receptionist: "And his?"

Royce: "Royce."

Receptionist: "Are you his Legal Parent or Guardian?"

Carmelita: "Guardian."

Receptionist: "Now you'll need to fill out the patient's information, status, disabilities, health insurance, known health problems, and well that's about it," the female receptionist said handing Ms.Fox a 8-page questionnaire.

Carmelita: "Royce, I'm going to need to have your human health-care information and all, cause you're not listed under my anything," She requested to which he gives with nervousness, "thank you. I hope your Human Health-Care works just as well here..." she continued talking as she began filling out the 8-page questionnaire.

Once Carmelita finishes Royces' papers for the B.A.C., they (Ashloy, Carmelita and Royce) head back home while being told that they will need to come back within the next Seven days.

Carmelita: "Well that's over..."

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: A Daughter's Determination (Book 2) (A Sly Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now