Chapter 8 - Lin Lin

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Note: The timing might be off from the show, but it's just so everything will fall into place

Hina POV

As the snow fell, Wan and I watched as I sipped on a cup of warm cocoa. Amon and his crew have been quiet since the there attack on Korra. Creating me time to leave the city to handle business elsewhere, temporarily, of course.

When I stay for too long, I feel a sense of confinement, the same feeling I get when I'm behind the palace walls. That's why I decided to travel when I came of age; I'm just grateful to have had so much support when I first left.

Making it my mission to help Wan regains his memories, I've been taking him to every corner of the world. While humans can't see him, animals and such have no problem with seeing him. He loves the life of a traveler, especially when he sees all different walks of life.

Seeing the cup empty, I get up to make myself another. Singing a sweet tune Mother would sing to Iroh when he would have a nightmare.

"Leaves from the vines, falling so slow, like fragile tiny shells, drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy come marching home, brave soldier boy comes marching home."

Stirring the sweet drink, I think of another place, "Hey Wan-"

I turn around to see him gone, "Wan?"

Looking out the window, I giggle at the sight of him making a person in the snow. Walking out of the small wooden house, I lean against the door frame. Smiling at his cheerfulness, he starts to make a snowman.

Turning on the radio, I change the channel, allowing it to play. It was a gift from my friend, Sora, a mechanic who's known for inventing and modifying modern technical items.

With this radio, I can get the news and music all the way from Republic City and the Fire Nation Capital. Listening to the smooth jazz, the song gets interrupted.

"Good Morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon; I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match because it will be the last. It's time for this city to stop worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the Bending Arena and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences."

The radio goes static, I frown, knowing Korra won't be happy about this, and Tenzin will not allow the Arena to stay open as long as Amon is around.

"Hina, are we going back?"

I look up at him, "I don't know, knowing Tenzin, he will get the council on his side."

I think for a moment, smiling at the thought of my favorite metal bender. "For a couple of weeks, then we're heading deeper into the Earth Kingdom and then the Air Temples."

Wan nods, finishing my mug; I hurry back, packing up my belongings before we head out to continue our journey.

Next Morning

Walking into the City Hall, I smile at the voice of the strong woman echoing down the hall. "I expected this kind of cut and run response from Tarrlok, but the rest of you? Come on, show a little more backbone. It's time that the benders of the city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists."

I make my presence known, "I have to agree, Lin."

Crossing my arms, she looks at me before giving me a cocky smile.

Tenzin stands, "We must prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into all-out war! The council is not changing its position, Lin! And Hina, I would have never expected this from you as well."

I roll my eyes a bit, leaving Tarrlok to speak up. "Now, just a moment, Tenzin. Let us hear what our esteemed Chief of Police and Fire Nation Princess has in mind."

With Korra's friends, a bit shocked by the sudden title drop, I ignore them, letting Lin explain. "If you keep the arena open, my Metalbenders and I will provide extra security during the championship match. There's no better force to deal with the Chi-Blockers. Our armor is impervious to their attacks."

I continue, "I will be joining the flock, with the intel on the Chi Blockers weapons and it's weaknesses. I will make sure no one gets hurt, and with the help of Lin, some officers can stay alert all over the city in the event the attack is more directed on the citizens than the audience."

Tarrlok gives us a sly smirk, "Are you saying that you will personally take responsibility for the safety of the spectators in the arena?"

Glaring at his wording, Lin looks up at him with confidence, "I guarantee it."

He looks at the others, "It is hard to argue with Chief Beifong's track record and Lady Hina's intel on their weaponry, assuming that they attacked her. If they are confident her elite officers can protect the Arena, then she has my support. I am changing my vote; who else is with me?"

The others outvote Tenzin, making him shake his head. Korra and her friends cheer, Tenzin steps down the stairs.

"A word please, Lin, Hina."

Stepping out into the hallway, he looks at us. "Tarrlock's playing you, and I don't want to see you two get hurt."

I look up at him, "We know the risks and what comes with it; I have a bad feeling about him anyway."

Tenzin keeps his composure, "In that case, I'm going to be by your sides during the match."

Feeling Wan place his hand on my shoulder, I smile, "I won't be needing a babysitter, thanks for the offer."

Lin agrees, making Tenzin change his wording, "It's for Korra. I want to make sure she's safe."

Shaking my head as she snaps at him a bit and starts to walk away. She stops, turning to look at me, giving me a cocky smile. "See you later, Princess."

I return it, "Right back at you, Lin Lin."

She cringes, giving me the look before I stick my tongue out at her. I get caught off guard as Korra gives me a bone-crushing hug. Giving me a warm thank you, I pat her back before she moves over to Lin.

Excuse me, "Cheif Beifong? I wanted to thank you for your help. It really means a lot."

She completely ignores her, walking away as Korra looks at Tenzin and me, "What's up with her? Even when she's on my side, she's against me."

I shrug my shoulders, "I've known Lin since I was a little girl, she just has a metal heart, but I promise, the inside's sweet."

Korra's eyebrow twitches, "More like burning lava."

Tenzin frowns, "Well, with me, she's always been challenging."

Korra looks up at him, "What happens to Lin and your father to make her hate the Avatar so much?"

"Her and my father got along wonderfully; I'm afraid her issues are with me."

Korra's eyes widen a bit, "Wait a second. It all makes sense now! You and Beifong, Beaifong, and you. You two were a couple."

He jumps up a bit, "What? How... where'd you get that idea?"

"Ha! Your wife."

I giggle at their antics as he shares his little love story before stopping halfway and walking off. Taking my leave as well, I go to see my favorite mechanic.

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