Chapter 10 - Washes Over Me

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Hina POV

After hearing about the CEO of Cabbage Corp getting arrested for suspicion of working with Amon and the equalist, I decided to do some digging. Looking over new reports on major businessmen and women who might have had a suffice with a bender. I quickly found out that Hiroshi Sato, the Ceo of Future Industries, fits the picture perfectly. His wife died from the hands of a fire bender, and he has the technology and material to build the tech for them.

With Wan already on it, I wait patiently for nightfall to scope Sato's factories and house. Writing some notes in my journal, I feel someone tap my shoulder. Jumping up a bit, I turn around to see Wan giving me a soft smile.

"You were right; there's a hidden factory under his house."

My eyes widen a bit, jumping up I smile, quickly changing into my armor. "Then we better hurry; the sun's going down."

Slipping on my mask, Wan and I run on the roof, moving swiftly through the shadows. As he leads me to the mansion, taking me through the open windows and forgotten corners. Leading me to his workshop, we pass it, pushing some bushes; my eyes widen at the sight of an underground entrance.

Opening the door, we get in before I close it behind me. Heading down the dirt path, it meets with a red-lit tunnel with tracks. Walking down the path quietly, We stay hidden, finding large banners with Amon's face I frown.

Seeing metal mobile suits, I frown at the sight of the workers. 'We need to go and tell Lin and Tenzin.' Hearing the sound of an engine moving, the workers scatter, into a suit, waiting for the intruders to reveal themselves.

Seeing Korra, Lin, Tenzin, and some metal benders show up; I smile a bit. 'Of course, they already know, there must have been a rat or maybe...'

As the entrance closes, I frown, knowing that we're trapped.


Sato reveals himself in a large metal suit; with his workers in smaller mobile suits, they turn on their green lights only to surround them. "You won't be able to bend that wall Cheif Beifong. It's solid platinum. My mecha-tanks are platinum as well; not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure."

As Korra yells at him, as they start to battle the mobile suits I, jump down, punching fire into the glass windows. Letting the flames ignite in the small area, I work quickly, taking them down one by one. I feel a sense of ease that I have help. Standing in the middle, I turn to look at my surroundings; with Wan facing my back, the others were down, and only a few mobile suits stood.

Looking up at Sato, he frowns at me, "And who may you be?"

Not uttering a word, seeing his eyes move elsewhere, I turn to see Korra's bending mates trying to save the three.

Slipping on his electric gloves, he exchanges some unkind words, ready to attack as he steps forward, his daughter reveals himself. Stopping him completely, "Sweetie...I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now that you know the truth, please forgive me. These people, these...benders, they took away your mother, the love of my life. They've ruined the world. But with Amon, we can fix it and build a perfect world together. We can help people like us everywhere."

He takes off his glove, facing it towards the blade haired girl. "Join me, Asami."

Seeing the look in her eyes, I step back, watching as the story unfolds. Hesitating, she picks up the glove, slipping it on. Looking up at her father, she gives him a sad smile, "I love you, Dad."

Electrocuting him, he yells out in pain, as we run away, I stay behind. Creating a thick wall of white flames, I yell at the others, "Hurry!" As the green-eyed boy makes an escape route, I make it out safely.

Keeping my mask on, I feel Wan place his hand on my back. Leaving back on his touch I smile, Tenzin walks over to me. "So you figured it out?"

I nod, "I was on my way to get Lin and you, but you guys beat me to the punch."

"Why don't you join us at the Air Temple? On our fight with Amon? With you on our team, we would be even stronger."

I think about it, with Wan leaning it close his says, "You should do it; having them by your side could help."

Moving my eyes to him, I nod, making both men smile, "Only on one condition, I work best alone, so trust me when I find something through my sources."

Tenzin nods before walking away to talk to Lin.

Morning came as the fog covered the sea, I sit, meditating as I try to clear my mind, images of Wan flash through my mind. Some are recent; others are foreign to me. Focusing on his features with each image, I see some of him in his younger days. 'I know this is my first time meeting him, so what are these memories. What are these images.'



"Hey, Hina!"

I open my eyes, meeting Wan's deep copper-colored eyes I feel my cheeks heat up. As he places his hand on my cheek, he wipes water falling under my eyes.

"Are you ok? You started shaking and mumbling, now your crying?! Is everything ok?"

I nod slowly, "Yeah, everything's ok."

He nods slowly, "Do you want to go with Korra and Tenzin to see the new Chief of Police?"

I shake my head, "No, I'll just read over it in the newspaper."

With my head feeling a bit fizzy, I feel a warm hand on mine. As Wan pulls me up, he drags me away to the island shore. "Come on."

Leading me to an empty cave, he sits me down on the edge as the water meets the sand calmly. Sitting down next to me, he gently rubs my shoulders. Feeling a bit tense at the foreignness of his touch, I start to relax as my shoulders drop. Feeling my eyes grow heavy, I yawn a bit; he speaks lowly.

"You should lay down; you've been overworking yourself. Lay your head down."

Looking back at him, I rest my head on his lap, taking in the fresh smell of salt in the cool air. Melting at his warmth, I slowly drift off to sleep as he plays with my curls. Closing my eyelids, I let the dark take me away as a sense of safety washes over me.

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