Chapter 16 - Spirit World

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Don't Own Art

Hina POV

Opening my eyes, I find myself in a white kimono smiling at the sight of the large plants and colorful flowers, "Welcome to the spirit world, to my home.

Running around, I turn to look for Wan, not seeing him, I frown wishing he was here. Jinora walking in front of me, "Isn't it beautiful?"

I nod, Korra stays close, "Let's stay close, you never know when we'll run into dark spirits." As she touches a flower it turns into a glowing butterfly. As she runs, I follow after her, "Come on Korra!"

Hearing a voice, I call out for Jinora, she stops making me turn around to see some animals popping up from the ground. Rushing over to her, "Hey, what's going on?"

Looking over to me one of them smiles, "Hina! You're back!"

I smile, "Hey you guys, it's been a while hasn't it?"

They all start to talk to me, trying to answer all there questions and comments I smile. "Sorry about Korra, it's her first time here."

One of them smiles up at me, "Oh, it's fine, water under the bridge."

He then looks over to Korra, "Just watch where you're going!"

Korra nods nervously before the rest bid me farewell and return to there homes. Leading her away, I hold her hand gently, as she sighs in relief, "Thank's Hina, they were pretty irritated."

I nod, "A lot of spirits here don't take kindly to strangers, there territorial, but with the right attitude and smile they show their soft hearts."

Catching up with Jinora we walk down the path, seeing the tree's change I stop making the others do the same. "Ok, you two stay close to me. Sometimes there hidden passages are hidden by grass that takes you all over the place. Let's try to avoid them."

Jinora looks up at me and asks, "And if we fall into one?"

I think for a moment, "Then let your heart, courage, and spirit guide you to where you need to be. Since my village is well known, there will always be a friend nearby."

Walking down the dimly lit forest, I notice a pretty flower, quickly recognizing it Korra walks towards it.

I rush over, "Wait don't!"

Feeling compelled to touch it, her next step lands us in a pit. Sliding down the roots and tunnels we get separated, landing I find myself in a dead forest. Cursing under my breath I walk around, trying to find any signs of life. After some time goes by, I hear some sniffling, rushing to the sound I find a little girl in blue.


She looks up at me, holding a weak animal in hand, smiling a bit I hold out my hand. "Let's get out of here."

Rubbing her teary eyes she nods before taking my hand, looking around I see a figure appear, "You two look lost. Maybe I can help you."

Seeing his face, I tilt my head a bit, "I-I know you, I've seen you before."

"It's been a long time, Hina."

Feeling a tear slip from my eyes, he walks closer, making me wrap my arms around him, "Uncle Iroh."

Returning it, he engulfs me in his warmth, "I haven't seen you since you were a little girl. Look at you all grown up."

I smile at him as he turns to Korra, "I was great friends with the Avatar, Hello Korra."

As he leads us out of the forest his wise smile remains on his calm face, "I'm glad you came to visit us in the spirit world Korra. You came just in time, we're having a little tea party to celebrate May-Jim's wedding."

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