Chapter 22 - Good Hands

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Hina POV

Toph sips her tea as Korra picks up where she left off, "So, you're not gonna train me?"

"Well, I was planning on soaking my feet in mud for a few weeks. But I can't stand you being so pathetic and getting your butt kicked all the time. All right. I guess I can help."

"Thank you!"

"Nah-ah-ah-ah. You want a hug something, hug a tree. We're here to work." 

We watch the two train; while Korra gets beaten down, she stands as Toph explains how she sees everything. Hence how she told me to bring her favorite tea on my way here. Korra tried to attack her, but Toph beats her to the punch.

"You're blind compared to me."

I lay my head on Wan's lap as he leans against Azora. Letting my spirit roam free, I watch the coronation and frown at Kuvira. Sitting up, I frown a bit, knowing I have to discuss this matter with my family. 

They already don't like Kuvira, so I know this is setting them off. On our way back, Toph points out how there's still metal inside her.

Toph beats her around a bit, making me chuckle a bit. Heading back to Toph's home, she cracks her bones. Toph tries to help her, telling her to relax, but she can't seem to do so.

"All right, that's it. You're going to have to do this yourself. Clearly, you want to keep the metal in there."

"What do you mean!? Why would I want poison inside me?"

"I don't know. Maybe so you have an excuse not to go back to being the Avatar. If you don't get better, you can't do your job, so you don't have to worry about getting hurt again."

"What?! That's ridiculous."

"Whatever. When you want it out, you can bend it out. I can't deal with all your issues for you."

"Wait! What am I supposed to do now?"

"How should I know?! Ask the spirit that brought you here. The good news is, if you're looking for a place to hang where no one will bother you, you picked the best swamp in the world! Oh, and before I forget, Hina, curly girl, can you make me some tea?"

I get up as Korra walks out, quickly making the cup of tea. I hand it to Toph before following after Korra. Seeing her sitting on a rock, I plop down next to her. "You seem frustrated."

Sighing, she looks up at me, "Maybe Toph will help if I give her some space?"

I smile a bit, "Korra, you have to relax; everything will fall into place. Not only because you're the avatar but because you've been through so much and made it through in the end."

Smiling at me, she nods as we make our way back. Some days pass, Korra stands in front of Toph while I start the stew. 

"So...what's the plan for today?"

She smiles a bit, eyes closed, and body relaxed on a bed of rocks, "You're looking at it."

"But we didn't do anything yesterday or the day before that."

She sits beside her and thinks for a moment, "I know! Tell me the story about how you taught Aang to Earthbend."

"What's there to tell? I threw some rocks at the Avatar, he got all whiny, and Sokka fell in a hole."

She frowns a bit, "I thought there'd be more to it than that. What about the time you guys took down the Firelord? That must have been epic?"

"Oh, yeah. It was hot, I was on a blimp, and I think a giant Turtle showed up. Wow, what a day."

"Okay, you're terrible at telling stories."

"You're terrible at listening to them."

She sighs at taps her foot; Toph stops her feet. "Quit making all that racket! If you're so antsy to do something, why don't you go and collect some mushrooms for dinner?"

"You got it."

"Take the path till you see the boulder with a hole in it. Then go to your left. Oh, and make sure you get the big, slimy ones. They're the tastiest."

Watching Korra walk away, I look over at Wan, shrugging his shoulders; I sigh a bit. Holding out my hand, I play with the flames that dance along my touch. Watching Toph rise from her seat, I smile; standing, I touch the thick roots of the swamp. Feeling the life growing around it, I smile, hearing Korra's and Toph's words, I smile. 

Looking at Wan, I hold out my hand, "Come on!"

Pulling him along, we leave Toph's home behind. Walking through the swamp, I feel the life of the spirits that roam around. Sensing new life, sensing the kids, we continue forward; Azora follows, letting us ride on her back as we make our way to the center of the swamp. Seeing Milo and the others, we land beside the flying bison.

Looking at Toph, I smile at her; she looks away, "Oh shut up, Curly Girl."

She turns to Wan, "You too, Ghosty."

The kids rush over, piling on me, "Hey, you guys."

Walking them over to Korra, she introduces them to Toph; she stands before them. "You're Grandpa was a real pain in my butt."

Milo raises an eyebrow, "Wait a minute, cranky, old, must be Toph!"

"Oh, I like this one."

Jinora looks up at Korra, "You need to come home, Korra. Kuvira is taking over the earth kingdom."

Ikki continues, "You have to stop her."

Doubt fills Korra's features, "I don't know. I'm not the Avatar I used to be. I can't even go into the Avatar State."

Ikki pleads, Korra remains silent, returning to Toph's tree cave Korra is faced with a new task. Toph walks her through the process of bending the metal out of her. Watching her struggle, she bends it out of her, watching her eyes glows, I smile. 

Hugging Toph, I do the same before leaving her behind to deal with the task at hand. Noticing how quiet Wan is, I look over to him, "What's wrong?"

He can only smile, "The worlds in good hands."

Feeling my shoulders fall, I smile before looking at Korra, "Yes, it is."

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