Chapter 20 - Foggy

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Hina POV

Traveling by boat, through the earthly mountains, and to the edge of the border. We wait for the aircraft, only to see a car drive by. Peaking I see, Zaheer driving towards the walls. Looking at Wan he nods, before leaving me behind to follow the four. Before going, I grab this hand, "Be careful and don't engage in battle."

As time goes on, I hear the speakers from within the wall. "Attention, citizens of Ba Sing Se. I have an important announcement to make. Moments ago, the Earth Queen was brought down at the hands of Revolutionaries, including myself. I'm not going to tell you my name, 'cause my identity's not important. I'm not here to take over the Earth Kingdom. I think you had enough of leaders telling you what to do. It's time for you to find your own path. No longer will you be oppressed by tyrants. From now on, you are free. I deliver Ba Sing Se back into the hands of the people."

The walls start to crumble before me; up ahead, I see Wan running towards. "Where's Bolin and Mako?"

"They're going to find their family and protect them from the chaos." I nod; looking up to the sky, I see Zen high in the sky; I whisper softly, "Gramps?"

I look to the others, "We need to hurry."

It didn't take long for us to see a tavern. Seeing Zen land besides Druk, I jump off and hug the dragon. His licks are gentle, turning, I nod, "Come on."

Walking in, I smile a bit, "Gramps!"

He smiles at me a bit, "Hina, you a Zen."

I nod, seeing Korra's frown that only means that she knows what happened in Ba Sing Se. I walk over to her, "Korra."

She looks up at me, worried and all, so I give her some semi-good news, "Mako and Bolin are with their family, there going to protect them from the fall of Ba Sing Se. She should be safe, as long as they have each other."

Staying up and going over our next plan of action, we see Mako and Bolin with their family not far behind. With the information of Zaheer going to attack the new Air Benders without a working radio, I think of the next best thing. 

Sitting down, I close my eyes; the others quickly pick up what I'm doing as my spirit leaves. Soring through the sky, I quickly make it to the Northern Air Temple, finding Tenzin he stands from his desk in surprise. 

"Hina! What's going on? How are you-"

"No time to explain Tenzin, Zaheer is coming here to whip out the Air Benders. You need to take them and run now!"

He nods, "I understand."

Tenzin's eyes widen, "Oh no."

I turn to see the ship, with the Red Lotus looking down at them. 

Returning, I find myself leaning on Wan on the airship. I jump up, "We need to get to the Northern Air Temple now!"

Seeing that we're at Zaofu, I curse under my breath; getting off the aircraft, I curse under my breath. "I need to get there before it's too late. I turn to Wan, "I'm going to make my way to the Air Temple, and I need to go alone."

He frowns, "No, I'm coming with you. We might be able to make it there if only we could make a portal as your grandmother did."

I nod, then an idea comes to mind, "That's it. Stand back; I need to get mad."

He seems confused, "I need to get mad; I need to let all my emotions release."

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, focusing on my travels, the people I helped, the people I found, and the Red Lotus. The raw emotion runs through me until I feel an unspeakable heat course through my veins. 


Hina's hair turned from black to bright gold, with her vibrate eyes to match. Floating in the air, she releases a strong fire in the sky, roaring like a mighty dragon as she shines as bright as the sun. 

The fire starts to circle each other much like the Portal Hikari made not so long ago. The others gasp at the sight; she turns to them, "Bring back up." As she shoots up in the sky, the portal quickly begins to shrink before Wan could go through. 

Looking around, Hina finds herself surrounded by rock. Looking down, she sees the other Air Benders; she remains static as she touches the contraptions that contain their chains. Melting it, she turns and knocks out the guards leaving burn marks on their light skin. 

Leading them through the cave, we meet some of the others halfway. Hearing some commotion, Hina sees Bolin and Mako fight two of Zaheer's followers. Frowning, I quickly deal with them, running out of the cave with the two brothers; we look up to see Korra fighting Zaheer in her Avatar state. The air benders work together, capturing Zaheer in a tornado, allowing Korra to finish her off. Feeling weak, Hina drops, only for Wan to catch her just in time. Seeing Korra get healed, Zaheer's reign is over. 

Two weeks pass, with Korra weak and Jinora gaining her tattoo's the celebration comes quickly.

Hina POV

 I stand next to Gramps and Wan, feeling like crap after the battle two weeks ago. I felt as though I wasn't fast enough; I couldn't get to them in time. Returning inside, Tenzin gives peace, promising to carry the flame while Korra heals. 

Feeling the pain surrounding her, I walk over to her, placing my hand on her shoulder as a tear falls from her eyes.

During the festivities, I walk outside the balcony, look at the sunset. "Hina?"

I turn my head a bit to see Gramps, "Hi."

Turning back around, I feel his warm presence next to me, "I've noticed you've been down lately."

I continue to look forward, "My mind feels foggy; I feel weak and tired. I try so hard, but I feel as though it's never enough."

Gramps nods, "I understand; when your path is foggy, it's hard to know what action is the right one. It was hard for myself in my youth, but do you know what helped me?"

I turn to him for the first time, shaking my head; he smiles a bit and continues, "Your grandmother, having her around was like having a candle in the darkness. You have something similar to that yourself; you just have to run and grab it. It helps to have a companion by your side."

Placing his hand in his sleeve, he hands me a medium-sized egg, reflecting with the sun it resembles a pale gold. Knowing what it is, my eyes widen as I look back up at him, "Your mother, Hikari, and I felt like you would take good care of him or her."

Placing the egg in my hand, I smile a bit, "Thank you."

He nods, "I think someone's here to see you." Looking over, I see Wan smiling at me softly, "I'll take my leave." Walking past him, Gramps talks to him lowly before returning to the festivity. Wan stands in front of me, "Hey."

I feel my cheeks heat up a bit, "Hey."

Keeping the egg close, I look down, not being able to look at him in the eye any longer. Feeling a warm hand under my chin, pulling my head up, I feel a warm pair of lips on mine. Melting, his hand sits on my waist as my free hand finds it's placed on the back of his neck.

Lips parting, we stare in each other's eyes; he whispers softly, "I love you."

Feeling my heart skip a beat, I smile a bit, "I love you too."

Our lips meet once again, parting as the sun comes close to the edge of the horizon. Holding the egg, he places his hand under mine as we ignite our flames around the egg. It begins to shake, cracking slowly; it doesn't take long for a small head to pop out. Smiling at the sight of the light blue, almost white eyes. Staring into the bright eyes, I whisper softly as it yawns, "Hey there, little one."

Walking up to my arm, it stretches a bit, looking at its surroundings. Meeting my eyes again, she shyly rubs her head against my arms. "I'll name you Azora; your eyes remind me of a clear blue sky."

Azora crawls up my arm, slipping in my hood and landing her head on my shoulder as she drifts back to sleep. Chuckling at her lackadaisical manner, I hear Wan do the same. Smiling at him, I grab my hand around his as we walk back inside. 

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