Chapter 21 - Safe Place

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Hina POV

It's been three years since Red Lotus' main leaders were taken down. Wan and I have gotten closer than ever, and Azora has grown tremendously. With the Earth Kingdom, going downhill I have made several trips to protect my Great Uncle Iroh's tea shop or to at least keep his treasured belongings safe. 

While Wan and I travel to help those who need it, in the large nation, helping the Airbenders who are spread out pretty thin. With Mako protecting the future Earth King, Bolin working with Kuvira, and Asami expanding her brand, the three have grown exceptionally. 

Now Korra, I haven't heard from her in a while. I've seen her a few times within these years, always in the same place, and we would exchange a few words. Every time I see her, I would heal her wounds and help calm her down with some tea. I can't help but appreciate the little peaceful moments. 

I kept my promise on keeping her location a secret and even helped keep her hair cut short, so some won't recognize her. I know she's healing, and things have been weighing her down, but I try to be one of the bright things that keep her grounded and give her a bit of hope in the future. 

Maybe I should take her to grandmother; she's usually good with this stuff. All I do know is that she's only been in the city for a little while and that I found her wandering the streets. I haven't seen her in a while, so I wonder if she's ok. 

I sigh; looking out the window of the inn, I feel a warm pair of arms wrap around me. Leaning back, I smile at Wan's warmth; he speaks softly to me. "Come on; it's time to go."

I nod before taking my bag and walking behind him. We walk out near the forest, "Azora! It's time to come out! I have some snacks!"

Seeing the large dragon slip out, I smile as she lands in front of me. Placing her head on top of mine, I giggle. "Come on, your too heavy for that."

I take out some fresh meat from the bag, tossing it in the air; he eats it all up, wrapping herself and Wan and I. Petting her chin, she licks my cheek lightly, "So beautiful, come on, it's time to go."

Letting us get on her back, we ride off as the sun slowly moves above us. Finally making it to Air Temple Island, we land; getting off of Azora, I kiss her cheek. "We'll be out soon; I'll even bring some food back for you."

She rolls herself up before drifting off to sleep. Walking in, we greet the others; seeing them again brings a smile to my face. Catching up with Tenzin and the family warms my heart, especially to see how much they've grown. 

A nomad comes in, "There's a Southern Water Tribe ship pulling up to the dock."

The kids jump up excitedly, "Korra!" 

With the sundown and Korra's father and Polar Dig, the others quickly find out Korra isn't in the South Pole. The search begins for Korra, Wan, and I do little due to both of us understanding that she shouldn't be pulled out of what she's going through, especially since she's not ready.

To be safe, when we settled down to our next location, I did a quick spirit dive and found her talking with Toph. A close friend of my grandmother, even though she's blind, she could sense my spirit roaming around her home. 

Returning to my body, I smile a bit; seeing Wan mediating as well, I get up, rushing outside to touch the ground. Let my spiritual energy send waves across every root under the ground. I find it no surprise to receive some back. 

Smiling, I wait patiently for Wan to return to me while we pack our things. Seeing him open his eyes, he chuckles a bit, "Now why are you so happy."

I look over to him, "You are about to be one of my Gran'and I's favorite person in the world. I'm so glad I saved some of Uncle Iroh's tea herbs."

I jump up, pulling him along, "Let's go; she's waiting for us!"

Getting on Azorawe ride to the swap lands, landing on edge, we walk the rest of the way there. Seeing a handful of spirits along the way, they lead me to an entrance covered in vines; I hear two familiar voices. 

"The world needs me."

"Get over yourself. The world doesn't need you one bit."

"But while I've been the Avatar, I've stopped some really bad people from doing some really bad things."

"Listen, when I was the Chief of Police of Republic City, I worked my butt off busting criminals. But did that make crim disappear? Nope. If there's one thing I learned on the beat, it's that the names change, but the street stays the same. 

"So, basically, you're saying that everything I've ever accomplished has been pointless. And I thought Beifong was Grumpy."

"I'm the original Beifong."

I chuckle, poking my head in, "You got that right!"

The two turn to me; Toph smiles, "Hina! Did you bring the stuff?" I nod, letting Wan come in, and Azora plops her head in the entrance. "Of course I did; I always bear gifts for my favorite Beifong."

"You falter me, curly girl."

I chuckle at the nickname bestowed upon me at birth when Toph first got a touch of my curly hair. Toph walks in front of Wan, "Hmmm, you feel weird."

I chuckle as I get the tea started; Wan introduces himself.

"My name is Wan; I was the first Avatar once upon a time."

Toph scoffs, "It looks like twinkle toes have a doubleganger."

I turn to Korra, she looks a bit tense, "Don't worry, Korra, I plan to keep my promise; no one knows of your location."

"Thank you, Hina, Wan; I know it's hard to keep this from everyone."

I shake my head, "Not really, I know that you're going through something, so I'm not going to push you out when you don't feel like you're ready."

She nods thankfully, pouring four cups of tea; I hand a cup to her and Wan. Picking up Toph's cup, I walk over to her as she has a stare-off with Azora. The dragon doesn't seem fazed but refuses to blink. I chuckle as she releases a puff of smoke, making Toph blink. Handing her a cup of tea, she smiles, nodding a bit. It felt good to get away, to be in this vast safe place.

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