Chapter 19 - Sisters and Lies

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After the celebration, the family returned back to the human world, bidding farewell to their second home in the spirit world and the people they love the most. Returning to their responsibilities and normal lives. After a few days of peace, Zuko is alerted of three prisoners escaping from the White Lotus's grasp. 

Looking down at the empty prison, Zuko frowns as the guard tries to explain himself. "They came out of Nowhere. I'm so sorry, Lord Zuko."

"How could you let this happen?"

"They caught us by surprise. And Zaheer is an Airbender now."

Zuko looks at him, shocked, "No! This can't be. Do you have any idea the power these criminals possess? Individually, they can take down any bender. Put them all together; they could take down the entire world. And now you're telling me their leader is an Airbender?"

"We can track them..."

"We don't need to track them. I know exactly where they're going. Notify the new Cheifs of the Northern Water Tribe that an attack on their prison is imminent. Send word to Lin Beifon in Republic City and my grandaughter Hina. The Avatar must be protected."

Getting on Druk, the White Lotus member looks up at him. "Where are you going?"

"To stop them."

He flies off, riding through the magma-filled grounds.

Hina POV

Snacking on some fruit, I walk down the path with Wan by my side. Seeing Zen, confused, I open the letter. "I wonder what's wrong; we just left." 

Reading the letter, I frown, "They've escaped with a new bender in their ranks. Thereafter Korra is in danger."

Taking out a pen from my bag, I give a short message before letting Zen fly off. Walking over to a tree, I sit in the lotus position and focus. Opening my eyes once more, I look at my relaxed state as Wan plays with my thick curls. I chuckle before flying off; following Korra's spiritual energy, I find myself at Zaofu. Seeing Korra coming off a large ship floating in front of her, she jumps and yells in fright. I chuckle before giving her a quick wave before returning to my body. 

Wan smiles at me as I open my eyes, "Where to next?"

I smile, "Zaofu, home to the metal clan." 

After our lengthy journey, we finally make it. Walking to the entrance, the guards stand tall, "Who goes there!"

I bow respectfully, "Lady Hina from the Fire Nation, I business with Sue and the Avatar that arrived here not too long ago."

They look at me with calculating eyes before one turns, "You two, follow me."

Doing so, we walk through the industrial town of metal benders. Heading onto the train, making our way to the mansion that rested in between the mountains. Stepping out, the guard leads us through the empty courtyard; I can't help but chuckle at Wan's sparkling eyes at the sight of this metal paradise. 

Seeing Su, I smile, "Su!"

She turns her head and smiles brightly, "Hina, it's been too long."

I pull her into a warm hug, "What brings you here?"

I briefly explain, "There's some commotion going on, and I was sent by my grandfather to watch over the Avatar while he aids in dealing with the situation. To see that she's here puts me at ease, but I don't want to take any chances."

She nods, looking over at Wan, "And who may that be?"

I turn, pulling him over so he can introduce himself, "Hi, my name is Wan."

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