Classic The mother of Au's

493 13 12

Sans POV

It's been 10 minutes. Red has finally been cured. Although those bones caused heavy damage to his legs. Those cracks will not heal until Edge heals him up. The Papyruses are way better at healing anyway.

Now. Time to head back to class.

Not gonna lie. We actually learned new stuff about the surface. Some of the things that I never knew of. The humans were also interested in finding out how monsters lived in the mountain for so long.

Okay. Science is over, now time for maths.

The maths class... I can definitely say, it's interesting. Some of the theories of maths are mind-blowing. Papyrus is an expert at Math puzzles. He is really known for that in school. Since other monsters found it very difficult to understand Maths.

I can definitely say, We learn very interesting stories in English. It sometimes also contains parts of science and Geography. And we came to know about many popular human biographies through English.

Fourth Period. Library.
We honestly didn't really pay attention to most of the things said in 4th Period. Why? Because everyone would start to get real hungry at 4th Period. My reason was I had to be prepared for fights and try to keep discipline in the school. I am a Monitor afterall. *Sigh*

(This is my daily school life irl T~T )

Most Sanses will just call me their mother. Mainly because I was good at handling situations. I honestly didn't care anymore either.

Well, Now that we have the time, let me explain how our school works.

Our school name is ''""Sanses School. Learn more about the surface with practical experience'"''". I will explain about the experience later. All of us Sanses are divided into five groups. 1. Young. 2. Nice. 3. Mature. 4. Insane. and 5. Powerful. There's another group through. They are the 6. 'Problematic'. We rarely see the Problematic Sanses in our school. They only come here if they are completely in there right mind. Or else, they are kept in a different place.

We also have a human principal. Or... Not. Well, I don't know what she really is. She has a pair of wings and the brightest hair anybody has ever seen. Her name is Bijayeta. ( Yup I am in the comic ).( And that's my oc in Gacha life / club)

Then it's like any other regular school. We have Nine periods on 6 days of the week. No extra classes. We have Sunday as our free day, but if we want to, we can come and experience the surface and learn about it a bit more.

We have our daily routines of different subjects in school. But the last period is always 'outside experience'. That class is my favourite classes of all time. We see and note different animals, birds, insects, fishes and many micro-organisms. We learn there importance. There role in the earth. We see how things are born in the first place. We also daily plant a new tree and discuss a new subject everyday.

It' It was a long time since we experienced the surface like this. Even though it's been 3 years. We never got bored of anything here.

Now Thime to explain the classes.
In the little section. We have Sanses that are younger than average Sanses.
We have littletale. Quantumtale, And this dude called SNASSSS, and many more. SNASSSS is actually not that little but his
brain is way smaller than a kid's brain. Dream is the monitor here because he is good with kids.

Next we have Nice section. Basically Sanses that are either nice, adorable, innocent, pure, and believe in people, fall into the nice section. The Insane section says that it is a group of weak people. Well not really, we have distrust sans over here. He is definitely not termed as 'weak'. He is the monitor there

Now the mature section. It has the most number of Sanses than any section. All of my friends are in this section. Geno, Fresh, Fell, Outer, Color, Ink, and many more. Outer is the monitor of this section.

Now the insane section. It also contains some of my friends. Dust, Killer, Red, Horror and more. Red's not really insane, but his fight with Dust is the reason he's there. Last Breath Sans is the monitor here.

Now we have the powerful section. You will have no match when you fight with them. They are termed as gods too. Ink didn't want to join this class so he got in the mature section because the gods often fought with each other. Reaper and omnipotent are the monitors in there.

Next are the Problematic section. They are flat out insane. They will kill anyone and destroy anything they have there hands on. Some of them are not very harmful. Like Asylum. He is the monitor of the Problematic section. They are kept in a secret room in our school. Only the Sanses and a couple of Papyruses know about this place.

I am also a Monitor. The worst Monitor here.

I am the LEAD Monitor. You will probably understand what that means. I have to take care of all the sections. Even the Problematic section. It is really bad because I have to do too much work. I should've stayed at home and never should've got admission in here in the first place.

"You will just get more lazy if you stayed at home Sans. And that may not be good for your health"


"Oh. Good Afternoon Miss Bijayeta"
"Good Afternoon Indeed. What are you still doing here? Break ended a minute ago."
"Sorry. I am going to head back to class now."
"Huh? Is there something you need?"

"Yes actually. There is going to be a meeting at the end of the day. It's been 3 years and nobody seemed to have talked about what or how the barrier broke. We have to discuss other points as well. You still remembered the number of resets. Right?"

"Yes... I did."
"Good. I hope the others did too. And can you please tell Fell to join the meeting too? It's been 2 years since he have attended school."
"I will....try my best..."
"Okay see you later than"
"See ya"

That was our Principal. She got the post because she says that she knows everything about us. Indeed she does actually. Ligit everything. Our past. The timelines, Aus, the resets,.. She even knows about this guy called Riverperson. We barely see all the Riverperson Aus at the surface at all. Who and were are all of them are now anyway? I have no idea. In the underground, Papyrus seems like the only monster that knew him.

We came to meet him after we got out of MT. Ebbot. Oh. I should probably go to class and tell everybody about this 'meeting' that's going to be held at the end of the Day.

1156 words
1st September 2020


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