First Game. Never Have I Ever.

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Sans POV

Dust- "Soo... Who is up for a good game of Never have I ever?"

Never have I ever? Sounds fun.

Nightmare- "I am only joining if I win though!"
Red- No Promises!

Sugar- "Wait.. how do we play it though?"

Dusttrust- "Well one person will ask you a I have or never question. You will have too answer in 'I have' and 'never' according to your answer."

Razz- "Let's make it a bit interesting! If the person asks you a question and your answer is I have at that, then you will have too take a shot of alcohol! And if nobody says I have to the asked question, then the asker will take a shot. How does that sound?"

Reaper- "Hmm sure.. that's a good idea Razz.."
Razz- The Malificiant Sans always gives great ideas!"

Now that!.. doesn't sound good to me.. I mean, don't get me wrong, I have drank before but.. I don't wanna embrasse myself in front of so many Sanses while I am drunk..

Welp, I don't have a choice here. Do I?

All of the Sanses sat in a circle. Thank god that room was big enough for all of us to sit at the same damn place.

Ink- "So.. who's gonna start?"
Little- "Me!Me!Me!

Cross- "Uh.. ya know-.. how about another rule. No Sanses from young Section is going to drink!"

Little- "Aww Man.. but.. Anyway! Never have I ever have lost my brother!"

Wow. I was not expecting him to say that kind of stuff.

Welp. Every Sans seems to take a shot at that question. I did too. I saw honey do it as well. Oh nvm. Haven didn't take a shot. Some of the Papyruses didn't either. If only they knew..

I saw 'My' Papyrus take a shot. No longer staying unaware huh?..

Oh man. Dream was already starting to act drunk. He had never tried alcohol before. For Dream, not able to save him from corruption was like losing his brother I guess..

Nightmare was not happy that Dream got drunk.

Alright. Color's next.

Color- "Never have I ever had got a shot."

Hey! That's unfair!
Oof. Anyways, I took another shot. Wow. This alcohol's strong. Thank god we didn't let Little take this stuff.

Ganz- "Okay! Never have I ever had a crush!"

I saw so many people take shots. Even Papyrus did. Oh.. whoever he likes.. is gonna have a super bad time..

Anyways I did too. I don't know to be honest if I have a crush on him or not. It's just.. I sometimes feel very weird around.. Red.. I asked Ink why I felt like that. Ink told me that I might have fallen for him. So.. I guess he is my crush for making me feel this way?..

Most of the Sanses looked a little bit down after that question. Even Red too..

Reaper- "Alright. I will go next. Hmm, Never have I ever acted like a Tsundere."

We all knew. Reaper just said that question so that he could make Geno drink more. Geno was not happy to admit that he was a Tsundere.

I saw some other Sanses and.. some Papyruses took a shot aswell.

Looks like Blue was the next one to loss himself. I saw Sensy acting weird too. Ganz was trying to give him support while Mel appeared and was watching Sensy from a distance.


DS! Nightmare- "Never have I ever had been in a relationship before. Or is in a relationship rn!"

Well. I am definitely not in a relationship. I saw the whole DS squad taking there drink. Underverse Killer and outer took a shot. Some other Sanses like Sugar, Melon, Horror, lust, Epic, Ultra, took their shots.

Well.. all the people in the nice section seemed to have loose themselves. Haven was the only one still hanging in there.

Red started to act weird too. Error got dizzy as well. Nightmare was also. Horror was holding on just fine. I was feeling a bit dizzy. But.. I will be able to handle a couple more shots I guess..

Fell- "Alright. I will go next. Never have I ever went through depression."

Sh#t he got my weak spot.

I was afraid to take a shot. I didn't want them too know. But.. most of them were drunk anyway. They will just forget about it the next day I guess..

I waited for some of them to take their shots. Dust did. Killer did. Ganz did. Geno.. did? Honey did. Well, he is my swapped version after all. Blue, Edge and Papyrus did not looked happy. Then.. Someone screamed I have.

It.. was Little! Little had depression!?

We all looked at him for a while. Even SNASSSS stoped doing whatever he was doing.

Wait. This is my chance!
I quickly took a shot. I guess nobody noticed. But..

Why am I such a coward? Even Little managed to say he is depressed. Then why can't I?

Geno- "Uh.. Little? You sure you don't wanna play in the playground?.."

Little- "Nope."

Fell- "I a-am sorry I a-asked dat... I s-shouldn't 'ave.."

"It's okay.."

Blue- "Hmmm.. okay! Who here Is thinking.. *hic* we should play a good'ol game of *hic* truth or dare?"

Almost all of them had taken a shot. Little was excited as well. SNASSSS was bouncing up and down again.

I don't really think that this is a *hic* good idea.. Most of us are drunk anyway..

Well.. Let's just *hic* see how this turns out

929 words.
4th September 2020

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