Chapter 2

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Hello! I also uploaded this to, and I will try to take it slow as possible. I'm setting limits for myself, like The Company can't be in Imaldris until Chapter _ so it's longer, and more drawn out with detail instead of a rushed, 10 chapter story with one adventure, 5 deaths and 2 marriages like most fanfiction! :) I have midterms next week and instead of studying, I'm jamming out to Queen and writing fanfiction. Oops. Well, here you go! I hope you enjoy, and do not hesitate with criticism and comments!

Upon the next morning, I woke earlier than usual and walked over to the dresser. I dressed into pair of midnight black trousers, with a sleeveless, turtleneck green tunic. I opened the left bottom drawer, pulled the chestplate the color of the night sky and weapon belt from the drawer. I clipped the white belt around my waist and laced the raven black armor onto my chest. At last, I braided my midnight black hair and pulled on my knee-high combat boots. Some would ask why I’d only wear black and white. The answer to that question: I only wear black and white when I’m doing my duty. I grab my dirt brown satchel from the end of the bed and pack it with clothing, weapons, and daily essentials. I did not see a use for packing a bedroll seeing as I spent most of my nights in the Wilderness, sleeping on the dirt ground and in high tree branches. I leave the room, closing the door behind me as quietly as possible.

“Where are ye off to in such a hurry? We don’t leave fer another two hours.” A deep voice grumbled from the corner of the room, and I turned to see Thorin sitting by the window, looking out.

“I’m scouting the area, I’ll be back soon.” I explain as I silently make my way to the door.

“Ye’ll need someone to go with ye.” He stated, looking from the window to me as I placed my hand on the doorknob.

“I’ve went alone for quite some time, I’ll survive.” I state, walking out of the door and closing it behind me. I step down the stepping stones and through the gate. I scan the area, looking to the East, then the West. I closed my eyes, listening closely as my mental eyes travelled to the Road which Thorin Oakenshield and his company would be taking this morning. The Valar gifted me with the power of foresight in order to see the growing issues across Middle Earth.

“Azog, the dwarves are hiding within the Shire, what’s your plan of attack?”  A loyal follower of Azog questioned, standing behind his leader.

“We will wait for the scum on the Road, and that is when we will attack.” Azog nods.

“The assassin travels with the dwarves...” The warrior notes, causing his leader to whip around and face him.

“I want you all to hide, wait for the dwarves, then attack. I’ll lead the damned assassin in another direction… whatever happens, I want Thorin Oakenshield brought to me… alive.” He growls, hopping onto his large, white warg and diving into the bushes to hide. His followers did the same, waiting patiently for us.

“Maia, are you alright, my dear?” I hear an old and turn to see Gandalf standing there, holding his pipe between his soft pink lips.

“Whatever ye do, don’t leave the dwarves.” I order, looking to the Road in fear. I had faced Azog before, and I had barely escaped alive. Oh, what should I do? Should I remain with the dwarves or chase after Azog? Surely, I could handle Azog all by myself, but if I leave the dwarves, who knows what could happen.

“What is the matter?” Gandalf steps down and leans against the gate. He releases a puff of smoke rings.

“I have business to take care of, just… do as I said, please.” I pleaded with him as I placed a hand on the hilt of my sword.

“I haven’t seen you this shook up since-” Gandalf began, his eyes widening in realization as I nodded. He looks to the Road, in shock and surprise, possibly because Azog hasn’t traveled this close to the borders of the Shire before in ages.

“Exactly.” I mutter, before running toward the Road. I had one chance to make this plan successful, and the stress that put me under only made me worry for the others. Once I reach the borders of the Shire, I climb a tree, skillfully swinging from branch to branch. I had located the Orcs and remained over their secret camp site with Azog nowhere to be found. There were at least 5 Orcs  and 3 Wargs at the campsite… If I were going to do this, I would have to be quick. I slowly drew my bow and notched an arrow, aiming at one of the Orcs that sat on their Warg, waiting for the Company. I released the arrow, watching as it sunk into the creature’s skull. The Orc fell to the ground as the Wargs looked up into the trees and the Orcs jumped up in alarm. I quickly notched another arrow and aimed it at another Orc. I released, smiling while the arrow found it’s target in the chest of the horrid beast. The Wargs began to pounce onto the trees as I slew the other three Orcs. I threw daggers at the three clueless Wargs, quickly ending their life. I dropped down from the trees, checking to clear the campsite. I quickly retrieved my weapons from the fallen creatures and returned them to my weapon belt. .  

“Assassin.” A low growl erupted from behind me and I slowly turned on my heel to see none other than Azog the Defiler astride a White Warg.

“Azog.” I hissed back, placing my hand on the hilt of my sword. He noticed, and smirked evilly at my actions.

“Your friends will be here soon… it’d be nice of them to watch you die.” He laughed, launching towards me. I quickly rolled out of the way and unsheathed my sword. I engaged in the fight as Azog swung his mace, knocking me back. I recovered, hopping to my feet and swinging at the Defiler. My sword struck his eye, and he howled in pain, falling from his Warg. I kicked his Warg away from me and approached Azog. Just as I reached him, his Warg grabbed me by the collar with her mouth and slung me back. I felt my back make contact with the trunk of a tree as my sword clattered to the ground, and I lay on the dirt ground writhing in pain. Azog slowly mounted his Warg and approached, an evil smirk playing on his lips.

“You can’t Win every battle, Assassin.” Azog laughed as the White Warg slashed my face, knocking me out cold. Great!

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