Chapter 13

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Hiya, guys! I'm posting this but I already have another chapter almost ready to go for Sunday night when I return :) I love all of the encouraging words and support! :D You guys just make my day. I love you so much! 

If you ever want to talk about the fic or just talk about anything, just messge me :) 

Alright, enough talking - to the fic!

"Where were you?!" I shout at Gandalf who blatantly ignores my question and continues to lead the dwarves and I through the mountains. We approach a bridge between two walls of the cavern. As we try to cross it, the Great Goblin suddenly breaks through from underneath the bridge and pulls himself up onto the bridge, in front of the us. As we pause, hundreds of goblins approach us from all sides. I place my hand on the hilt of my sword, preparing for up close combat.

"You thought you could escape me?" The Great Goblin swings his mace twice at Gandalf, causing Gandalf to stumble back and almost fall. A few of the dwarves hold him up and prevents him from falling..

"What are you going to do now, wizard?" Gandalf leaps forward and strikes the Great Goblin in the eye with his staff. The Great Goblin drops his mace and clutches his face in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Gandalf steps forward and slices the Great Goblin in the belly; the Great Goblin falls to his knees, clutching his belly.

"That'll do it." Gandalf again swings his sword and slices the Great Goblin's neck, causing him to fall down dead. His weight causes the bridge to start shaking; suddenly, the section of the bridge on which the company is standing breaks away from the rest of the bridge and starts sliding down the side of the cavern. I hold onto the wooden posts for dear life as my midnight black cloak flares up, nearly choking me. The bridge slides at a terrific speed down the cavern wall, demolishing everything in its way; we cling on, screaming in terror. The bridge slows down and lands at the base of the cavern, breaking apart and burying us in the timber and wood. I let out a cough or two, and push off the pieces of timber and wood that nearly crushed me.

"Well, that could have been worse." Suddenly, the heavy corpse of the Great Goblin lands on the wreckage, squishing us further. Dear Valar, end the pain for crying out loud!

"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin wheezes in obvious pain as we pull ourselves from the rubble. As we remove ourselves, Kili shouts for the grey wizard.


"There's too many! We can't fight them." Dwalin points out as I hop from the rubble and dust off my outfit. I look from Gandalf and the dwarves to the approaching horde of goblins.

"You cannot escape the growing darkness on your doorstep. Darkness is like weeds in the garden, you can pick at them and rid of them for a short period of time but they'll always be there, rooted deep into the Earth."

"You could change their fates and save their lives."

"If anything should ever happen to one of us, always hold us in your beating heart."

"You must carry on our legacy."

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