Chapter 1-Polyplax's POV

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 Three years later...

Polyplax paced around nervously. Today he was getting assigned his duty for today. He got this duty everyday, though it became more nerve racking the more he did it. The Queen seemed to get more angry everyday. He had to do the best in every situation around her.

He was very loyal to the Queen, of course. He didn't get treated as harshly as other Silkwings, but he wasn't respected like other Hivewings. He was a Hivewing, more or less. He had gotten an infection from a Silkwing, so he was told. He had Silkwing like wings, an antennae like a Silkwing, and flamesilk. (He decided not to tell the Queen about his flamesilk, she would be furious.)

Yet the rest of him seemed Hivewing enough, there was a weird translucent "skin" between his spikes and golden scales here and there.

The guards called him Pest; they didn't respect anyone who wasn't a Hivewing, or part Hivewing, for that matter.

A loud voice boomed before him, scattering his thoughts.

"PEST! DON'T BE DILLY-DALLYING AGAIN! TODAY WE GET OUR PERMANENT ASSIGNMENTS!" The Hivewing general, Yellowjacket, boomed with his unmistakable croaky voice. Polyplax covered his ears in annoyance. The blinding yellow Hivewing paced in front of the line of soldiers, avoiding eye contact with the "Half soldier", Pest.

"Soon we will be in the presence of our glorious Queen, the Queen who save us all from the LeafWings, Queen Wasp." Yellowjacket had a dreamy look on his face. Everyone knew that General Yellowjacket adored Queen Wasp as much as he adored himself, which is saying something.

"So don't slump or examine your talons. Do what a real soldier would do, except for you Pest." Polyplax had suspicions that Yellowjacket wished he had never existed. Yellowjacket opened the giant, intricate doors as broadly as he could, trying to impress the Queen, no doubt.

The Queen at least tolerated him more than the other guards, she didn't call him "Pest" anyway.

"Ahh! The future of Pantala! Welcome!" Polyplax could tell she was trying her best to make the guards feel special and loyal to her. It worked on Polyplax a lot, even though he knows she uses that. Being in her queenly presence was enough to know that she was not a dragon to be messed with. He looked around and realized that all the other guards were bowing. He quickly tried to do a bow, but ended up on the smooth floor with a THUMP. The other guards were embarrassed, he was sure.

The Queen, ignoring that, quickly cleared her throat.

"Ahem. As you know, you are getting your official job as a guard. I have chosen carefully and my answers are sure, so don't come back complaining about your job, you hear?" Everyone nodded. "First up," the orange Hivewing next to her whispered something in her ear. "Termite."

Termite was top of the class, and no doubt he was getting personal guard. "Termite, you will be my personal guard." Everyone muttered in agreement, though Polyplax could sense someone disagreeing. "Next up. Earwig." Once again the orange hivewing muttered something in the Queen's ear.

Earwig was one of those dragons who got distracted. It was a miracle how he got in in the first place.

"You will make sure no books are stolen from the library." Everyone snickered. Being the book protector was the lamest job a Hivewing guard could get. "BOOK PROTECTOR?? Everyone knows that's the WORST JOB EVER!!" He shouted. Polyplax winced.

"What did I say about complaining about your job?" Wasp spoke in a calm tone. Earwig stuttered, realizing what he had done. "N-no! I just--" Wasp's eyes rolled up to the back of her head. Earwig's eyes did the same. Suddenly the Queen did a gesture and Earwig grabbed his throat. With a snap, Earwig lay on the floor, lifeless.

"Sorry for that gruesome scene. Now you know what happens when you don't listen to your Queen." She emphasized "Queen", as though it was the most important word in Hivewing knowledge.

"Fireant" Her voice seemed cold now.

Fireant squeaked in surprise, quivering in fear. The Queen seemed very intimidating now, he guessed that's why Fireant was afraid. She then stood up as tall as she could and squeaked, "Yes Her Majesty?"

"You will be the bookkeeper now." Again the guards snickered. Fireant opened and closed her mouth, as if she was going to disagree. Polyplax saw Wasp's face suddenly go ten times more intimidating. Fireant sighed and agreed. "Yes, Her Majesty." Fireant glared at the lifeless body of Earwig and walked to the library.

The rest of the guards got assigned their job. All of them agreed silently. It was Polyplax's turn now. He had a violent chill run through his spine. Even though the Queen was calmer now, seeing the lifeless body of Earwig frightened him still. "Polyplax. I would desire that you come with me. Alone."

Polyplax was shocked when he heard this. No dragon ever got to speak with the queen alone. She led him to a balcony. "One day there will be a war. And one day you will lead it." She paused for what seemed like a year. "Polyplax, I'd like you to be my apprentice."

The Pest and the Flower: a wof fanfiction by Pastellar and Snowfox the IceWingWhere stories live. Discover now