Chapter 16 Hibiscus POV

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Hibiscus found her father, who was lashing around plants, trying to find her.

"I'm up here." She called from the tree she perched on, an angry look on her face.

"Oh, thank Palanta you're ok." Canopy sighed in relief, a talon over his heart.

"I'm fine, no thanks to you." She said, slight hostility in her cold tone. "I'm not that depressed dragonet anymore."

Canopy gave her an odd look, a mix of hurt, surprise, and sadness. "I just thought—"

"You just think! You never consider my feelings, or my life!" She cut him off, snarling. "Listening to your dragonet was never an option in your mind, back then. You only cared about yourself!" She took off, trying to find Polyplax. He doesn't judge me... he thinks of me as an equal. I think, at least.

"Wait!" She heard Canopy cry out, "Don't go find that HiveWing, or I swear—" She cut off his voice, flying farther away from him. "Polyplax?" She called, her voice carried in the wind. She called his name again, but received no answer. As she reached the outskirts, she found the grave she made for the HiveWing that day destroyed. Soaring down to it, she found the body by the grave, its lifeless eyes staring into the sky.

Wincing, she put it back into the hole, the body thumping onto the dirt.

With two claws, she gently closed its eyes, letting it sleep in peace. Not even bothering to re-bury it, she took to the sky again.

She kept looking and looking. Asking the plants of any sign, searching by the shores and beaches, Hibiscus couldn't find him. She gave up hours later, instinctively flying home. Stopping herself, she flew to her favorite tree, the last place she saw Polyplax. Having the branches and leaves create a little hidden place for her to hide in, she collapsed on the ground, more tired than ever before.

It's been a few days since his disappearance, and Hibiscus found Sundew as a friend to confide in.

"I've been searching for about three, maybe four days now." Hibiscus said. Sundew was nodding, taking in every word. "And I can't find him. I'm afraid that he went back to the Hives...or died somewhat."

"'ve been avoiding your dad and mom for days, you can't find Polyplax, and you believe he's gone to the hives?"

"Yeah." Hibiscus frowned. "We need to retrieve him, for we still don't know that he would sell us out."

"What is up with us and rescue missions?!" Sundew groaned, throwing her head back in annoyance. "You'll want to go alone, I know you, Hibiscus."

"Sundew, I want you to come." Hibiscus said, making the younger dragon shoot up. "Only you though. So go tell Blue and Cricket, Swordtail and Bumblebee. We'll leave in the morning." Hibiscus let Sundew bound off to the village, leaving the older dragon behind. Don't worry, Polyplax. We're coming.

Hibiscus started to walk to her tree when she was stopped by a LeafWing. Father. Was what she thought when she saw his face. "I know I'm the last dragon you want to see right now, but it's Honeycomb. She's been missing ever since I talked to you." Canopy said, his voice shaky. "She's gone too."

The Pest and the Flower: a wof fanfiction by Pastellar and Snowfox the IceWingWhere stories live. Discover now