Chapter 7 Polyplax POV

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Being controlled by Wasp was an odd sensation. It felt as if a million ants crawled under your scales while forgetting about them the moment you noticed them. His vision started to cloud up. He could feel his eyes roll up to the top of his head. He heard the last words he said repeating over and over in his head. "I will spy on the LeafWings. I will spy on the LeafWings. I will spy on the LeafWings." Then he sunk into an endless abyss of white.

Polyplax had the sensation again, and blinked his eyes a few times. He groaned. He ached everywhere and had scratches all over his scales. He was exhausted, too. Three moons, what did Wasp do to me??

He found a random leech the size of his head on his tail. He yanked on it and it wouldn't come off. "Get off me!" he cried. As he was struggling with the leech, he tripped over a vine and hit the floor with a THUMP. He rubbed his head and stared into the vast green jungle. Are these trees? Three moons, why would the HiveWings want to destroy these beautiful things?

Distracted by his thoughts, he flew into the air with something grabbing him by the leg. He twisted his head around to see what was grappling him. A snare. Maybe the LeafWings know I'm here? If they do, they have gotta do better than this. Maybe their brains rot just like trees.

He chuckled silently to himself. He promptly whipped his sharp tail at the vine and fell to the ground. When he looked up he saw a big oval rock over a dirt hill. That's not normal, is it? A rock and a dirt pile...that could only mean-

He quickly reached for the hill and started digging. He dug for what seemed like hours when finally his claws scraped against something yellow. He reached and pulled it out. It was a HiveWing body, with a huge hole in its neck. He heaved the body over. He let out a scream of horror. It was Hornet, one of his classmates, and the only one who was really nice to him and didn't call him Pest. Maybe I should bring her back to the palace.

He didn't know where the palace was, however. He was never allowed outside of the "Hive Circle", not to mention just the Wasp Hive in general. No, Wasp wants this mission done and I'll have it done, even if I have to kill any dragon that gets in my way.

His eyes were moist with tears just on the brim of leaking. He missed Hornet already. Her lifeless body felt cold in his talons, with dried blood everywhere. Wait, that HiveWing would ever kill another HiveWing, would they?

He realized he was only on the outskirts of the jungle. Wasp must've damaged me too much, so she left the rest up to me.

He slowly walked closer to the jungle, taking caution in every step. His eyes were fixed on what lay ahead of him. The trees seemed to be framing a pathway into the jungle, as if saying "Hey, come over here! We're just a couple trees! And humongous plants! What could possibly go wrong?"

He breathed in a deep sigh and took another step. He continued on for what seemed like an hour. Are the LeafWings really this deep in the jungle? Did I pass them? Was Wasp mistaken and she actually did wipe out the LeafWings? Was she trying to just get rid of me?

He tried not to think about his last thought. Wasp loved him as a subject and as a friend, right? Right? He sure hoped so. Besides Hornet, she was the only one who didn't call him Pest. And if she didn't like him she could just make him claw his throat out. One time he had saw her do that to a SilkWing. It was not a pretty sight.

His thoughts were interrupted when out of nowhere five dragons leaped down from the trees. Without a time to think, the one closest behind him looked intently at the ground. Leaves started wrapping around his back ankles and pinned him to the ground. He let out a roar and lashed his tail, but his tail was tangled by a thick vine. He let out one more roar when something hard thunked him in the head. The last thing he felt was being dragged on the moist floor of the Poison Jungle. 

The Pest and the Flower: a wof fanfiction by Pastellar and Snowfox the IceWingWhere stories live. Discover now