Chapter 21 Polyplax POV

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Polyplax's thoughts raced inside his head. He could feel his heartbeat, as if it were trying to escape out of his chest. What did Wasp do when she was trying to control the dragons?

He examined the dragons, wondering if any of them were younger than him. Only three as far as he could tell. He tried rolling his eyes to the top of his head. All that got him was a poke in the eye. Think think think! How would you control a dragon if you could?

Wasp issued a command and the dragons who were pinning them all lifted their tails menacingly. Polyplax focused as hard as he could on the three that seemed younger than him. Suddenly, his vision split into three different sections. He saw Sundew and himself and one looking at all three of them. He imagined what it would seem like when Wasp was controlling the whole tribe. Polyplax gave a yelp of alarm as the three dragons also gave a yelp that sounded exactly like him.

Wasp looked back and forth between him and the three young guards. Polyplax looked at Wasp, but three images of her furious face frightened him.

"How-" She stopped talking and gave the meanest scowl Polyplax had ever seen from her in his life, and that was saying a lot.

"Let us go please." He saw Hibiscus and Sundews puzzled and frightened expressions.

"After what you've done to me? Never!" Wasp snarled.

"Look, we can do this the bloody way or the peaceful way." Hibiscus said.

Wasp's brows furrowed in fury. "Give me one good reason to choose."

"Well, to be honest, I don't. But," Hibiscus reasoned. "I don't want another war. I bet some of your older soldiers are scarred from the fight. They might have fought in the war, or lost relatives and friends.

"There are dragonets who wish for their parents to come home safely every, single, day." The hybrid emphasized. "So, Wasp... agree to stand down, and we will--"

Wasp yawned. "Less talking, more killing. Guards?" She looked expectantly at the one pinning Hibiscus. Polyplax tried moving the two who were pinning Sundew and him to move the one pinning Hibiscus. They sloppily grabbed the guard and moved him out of the way.

"Please don't do this, Wasp." The three synchronized voices pleaded. There was a long pause. "Guards. Keep advancing to the jungle and don't stop. And have that flamesilk ready." she sneered, looking at Polyplax.

She's going to use my flamsilk! Polyplax realized.

Polyplax lost control of the three guards when Wasp came into his head. No, no, no! I must-

He tried to resist but Wasp had won. Wasp had won everything. She was going to burn the jungle and no one could stop her.

The Pest and the Flower: a wof fanfiction by Pastellar and Snowfox the IceWingWhere stories live. Discover now