Chapter 6 Hibiscus POV

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It only took a few hours to get to Wasp hive, not involving breaks and having to hide due to guards. Plus a huge storm that had strong winds. Hibiscus noted it was past midnight when she reached the bridge where the SilkWings slept. I bet that's where mother slept as a dragonet. The hybrid thought sadly.

Breaching the bridge, she used her claws to grip the sticky silk, trying not to wake the sleeping dragons. With careful steps, she managed to pass the SilkWings, leading to the seemingly abandoned marketplace. A stall extremely close to her had cloaks, dark ones too colorful. Grabbing a black cloak, Hibiscus threw it on her, lifting the hood to cover her whole face. Her tail was wrapped against her back leg, and her wings were folded, neatly pressed to her sides. Everything was covered by the cloak.

With great satisfaction, she circled the market, avoiding the stalls. She didn't know if people would be around, even with her antennae. Cold stone pavement thudded with the sudden weight of the large dragon. Hibiscus strolled in the dark, the thunder and lightning off in the distance, rolling closer to Wasp hive. As the rain started, she found a rather large overhang from the bottom of the hive, so she took it as shelter. Sitting down, her hood fell deeper onto her face, the shadows consuming her. The awning-like roof let water drip down from the edges, the droplets making a drip drop sound when it hit the stony concrete.

Hibiscus sighed, devising a plan to break in. This is going to be a long night... was the last thought before Hibiscus started to plan.

It was early morning, where the market was slowly coming to life, dragons getting errands for themselves. Hibiscus watched silently, the overhang still providing darkness to hide in. She grunted in satisfaction, thankful for the cover. A SilkWing strolled by, yet heard the noise.

"Hello?" The SilkWing called, their face looking at the spot where she was. "Is anyone there?" Uh oh. Hibiscus thought. Pressing against the wall, she tried to make herself as small as possible, seeming like a lump aghast the blackness.

The SilkWing squinted at the darkness for what seemed like hours, then shrugged and left. Lifting her antennae, she was glad to find no other dragon too close. With a relieved sigh, Hibiscus stood up and looked from the shadows, watching for any guards.

Seeing none close by, she slunk out, heading towards the actual hive. Walking down alleyways, she glanced up every now and then to check is she was going the right way. The Hive was so big that she could easily see it from the ground, especially up close.

Turning down another alleyway, she passed a HiveWing guard, her shady appearance catching her attention. The guard was about to enter a bar that was in the alleyway, but stopped.

"Hey! Who are you?" The guard shouted, her spear in her face. "Reveal yourself!" Hibiscus's body was still facing forward, so she took it as an advantage and used the side of her body to slam the guard to a wall, knocking her unconscious. The guard slumped against the wall, her spear clattering on the ground.

Hibiscus ran, not waiting for other guards to appear to the scene. Hibiscus was lucky it didn't look like an assault, it looked like the guard got too drunk and fell asleep by the door.

Soon, she reached the entrance, where guards were chatting whilst guarding the door. As Hibiscus came closer, she realized they weren't chatting, but flirting. The female guard was looking away, blushing, while the other male guard crept closer and closer... the perfect opportunity to Hibiscus as she slipped by silently. Entering the hive, she found every shadow to slip into as she traveled farther and father. Soon enough, she reached the biggest doors she's even seen. Two plants stood by them, along with a guard. Hiding behind the plant, she heard footsteps come closer, then a voice sounded.

"It's me, general Yellowjacket, and I need to see the queen" The new dragon spoke in a croaky, smug voice.

"The queen isn't here currently, but you may wait for her inside." The guard opened the door, waiting for the dragon to go in. 'Yellowjacket' started to scold the guard, his nose all up in the poor guards business. Muttering that the guard was even worse than the one who crashed into the market. The same market I was in... she thought. Hibiscus slunk past, the two HiveWings fighting. Wow, either the universe knows what I'm doing and supports me, or all the guards here are idiots. Smirking, she clambered up a small pair of stairs, leading to the throne. Creeping behind the throne, she hid behind it.

Now I wait.

The Pest and the Flower: a wof fanfiction by Pastellar and Snowfox the IceWingWhere stories live. Discover now