Chapter Twenty-Five

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Oikawa: (Yeah, his team is here too if I haven't mentioned it)
I stare at Iawazumi before shaking my head and looking away, reaching up to cover my mouth. He too hot...!
This is getting harder to hide and push away. Curse him and his hot body!
I shook my head, dropping my hand to my side. I looks back over to Iawazumi and nearly jumped out of my skin to see him right in front of me.
"You scared me!" I whine, trying to not think about kissing his lavish lips.
He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, tapping his foot like an angry mother.
"Quit dilly-dallying and get your head out of the clouds, " he ordered.
"Don't you mean space?" I ask, grinning.
He punched me in the chest and I coughed, stepping back.
"Why are you so mean to me?" I ask, pouting.
His lips twitched, his eyes glancing down before he glared at me. "Just get your head back onto your neck before I slap the sh*t out of you."
He walked off, leaving the gym to head back into our rooms. I frown and spot Hinata—who was a little baby—who was clapping happily with Sugawara and Daichi.
They look so happy...
Why can't I be with Iawazumi?
I frown and walk off, leaving the gym to go outside. It was late in the day, not long after our watermelon break, so the heat was still strong. It soaked into my skin, making me take a deep breath.
All I can see is him just raising his arms up and being to sing like some Disney princess. 😏
I looked down and rubbed my arm. I needed to either confess and get my heart smashed because he doesn't return his feelings to me, or get over him. But the second option is not possible with how long I've been crushing on him. I pout and look back into the gym, seeing my team hitting balls back and forth over the net.
I'm a mess...
Why can't life be fair? It should be to me since I am Nobody and Hannah Montana said Nobody was perfect.
Therefore, I am perfect in every way.
That's right Disney Princesses, move out of the way 'cause Turoo Oikawa is the new perfection!
I'm perfect...


I ligit just see Oikawa being all proud and arrogant around others but very insecure when alone to his thoughts. Poor baby just needs attention, attention as in real attention from someone he loves dearly(Iawazumi)and cares for. Actual attention, not just fangirls. He needs warmth since I think he doesn't get that kind of loving attention often. Also, I am sorry if I keep spelling Iawazumi's name wrong. I'm too lazy to look in my manga to see if I'm spelling it right. 😕 sorry I am lazy. Also, I got sunburned, and my skin keeps turning light purple(the sunburnt area) is that bad?

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