"The Visiter" Chapter Twenty Six

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It was early morning as I was brushing my teeth. I rubbed at my sleepy eyes that struggled to stay open. I woke up a little earlier then normally so I decided I minus well get ready before chronostasis arrives.

I heard the opening of my bedroom door from the inside of my bathroom (Of course without knocking). Overhaul had come to greet me like he does often every morning. He's been a bit more active in my daily schedule.

When he came around the corner to where was he suddenly stopped and stared like he saw a ghosts sitting at my feet or something. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Whatsh?" I asked with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Your already... wow."

I looked down to see what he was on about, but then I finally caught on. He was appalled that my baby belly was now growing. Yes I've noticed it already but now that it's starting to actually get bigger, others can clearly see I was expecting. Especially if you look at me from my side.

Overhaul continued to gaze at the hump of my abdomen. He slowly walked towards me to get a better look. It was even bigger from up close. Only big enough for someone to notice but I wasn't that far alone yet.

"They're in there. Taking their time to fully grow." He mused in fascination. Seeing Overhual like this, admiring something with the way his eyes lit up was peculiar, like a child gawking at a toy they longed for but couldn't have, In Overhual's case, had to wait for.

He looked like he wanted to graze his hand against the bump where his future-ling was. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there, allowing him to bask in his taste of pre- fatherhood. I felt a little embarrassed under his gaze, my cheeks beginning to feel warm.

Slightly shaking his head, Overhual came to his senses, snapping out of his haze. "Let's get you something to eat now."

I just nodded, putting away my toothbrush to fallow him.


I'm about 12 weeks along with pregnancy now. Seeing my belly all swollen up was strange the first time around because of how fast and  sudden the bloating happened. It wasn't a bother at all though. I actually enjoyed the benefits that came with pregnancy, like rubbing my belly in circles.

In these past months I've used time to improve my shooting skills. After a few weeks I discovered my new found thrill for using fire arms.

At first I used the little amateur guns, like a "high point firearm 380." or a "fire arm co. 25", (small guns) then I practiced my way up to a "Glock inc 40" and "Storm Rugger & co 9mm" (these guns are bigger). I say It's was an improvement to be proud of. 

My aim has gotten better to where I was able to directly hit the specific area of a target. The thrill and adrenaline I got from firing a gun was so satisfying I could do it all day, every day.

What made it more enjoyable was imagining putting a bullet through Overhual's stupid face. Now that made me break into a devilish grin.

"What are you smiling about?" Chronostasis would ask as he watched me practice.

"Oh, nothing. Just a wolf." I'd reply.

Overhaul also introduced me to gardening. The garden I'm using used to belong to Mr. Chisaki's wife but now that she's no longer here, no one has took care of it since. Overhaul thought it would be a nice occupied hobby so he allowed me access outside.

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