Cinder Lou (Larry au)

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Once Upon a Time...

In a far away land there was a young peasant boy born. His name was Louis William Tomlinson he was the eldest and only child if Jay and Mark Tomlinson.

This far away land was filled with magic lots and lots of magic. So it wasn't uncommon for a baby to have a fairy god mother. Louis had a fairy god mother her name was Grace. Grace was the oldest and most power fairy there was.

The moment she lauded eyes on Louis she knew he was very special and she new exactly what her gift to Louis was. Her gift to Louis was that he would be able to bear children.

When Louis mother asked why that was her babies gift the fairy godmother only said one thing.

"It will come in handy on the future..." Even though it was strange, no in the family questioned her ever.

Sadly though not all things in the Tomlinson house hold stayed perfect forever.

When Louis was nine years old his mother fell very ill. No one new exactly how and why she got sick she just did. When jay was on her death bed she told Louis the secret that he could be able to have children.

At first Louis was shocked I mean he was a boy why was he able to have children. His mother explained that that was his gift from his fairy god mother.

Louis stared at her with disbelief. Him able to have children...why? It didn't make any sense to him I mean that is what girls do not guys.

But that thought only lasted a second because he felt a slight squeeze in his hand and then nothing. He looked die and saw his mothers chest not lifting anymore.

"Good bye mother..."

Authors note:
Okay so I know you all know the story Cinderella and stuff, but I decided to make it larryfied so yeah.

Also FYI this changes from first to third kinda in the middle because when I started this I only wrote in first, but I found out I write better in third so sorry for the sudden change :)


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