Chapter 58

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Camila stared blankly at the document on her screen. After a moment, she typed in her name, the name of the class, the name of the professor and the date. She sat back, feeling productive. Why was writing an English paper such a difficult task? The cursor blinked expectantly, reminding her once again why she was an artist and not a writer.

She sighed, looking away.

Fortunately, the sound of the door opening offered a welcomed distraction.

"Hey!" Camila greeted happily, from her place at the kitchen table. "You're home early."

Dinah stepped into the kitchen and dropped down on a chair across from Camila . "Naomi wanted to shoot some solo scenes with Elle, so she let the rest of us go." She nodded toward the computer.


"Paper," Camila corrected, her enthusiasm at seeing Dinah quickly evaporating at the unfortunate reminder. "Due tomorrow morning."

Dinah shook her head. "I don't get why you're always taking English classes. You're an Art major. What do you need ..."

She paused as she looked at what Camila had been reading

"...Foucault for?"

Camila shrugged. At that moment she didn't have a very good answer.

Temporary insanity, perhaps? "I needed a class and this one was open. Who knew Literary Theory would be so boring?" She stared disdainfully at the copy of Foucault's "What is an Author?"

"Um, I'm going to go out on a limb, but I'd have to guess that the majority of the known world has been let in on the fact that Lit Theory equals snooze fest." Dinah reached forward and grabbed the Xeroxed copies. From them she read, "'In dealing with the "author" as a function of discourse, we must consider the characteristics of a discourse that support this use and determine its differences from other discourses.'" She arched a brow. "Um... right." She quickly handed them back. "Have fun."
Camila sighed again. "So, what are you up to?" she asked.

"I invited some people over," she answered apologetically. "Sorry. I didn't know you were doing homework."

"It's okay," Camila said, wondering how to ask whether Lauren was among the invited. "Who's coming?"

Dinah appeared thoughtful as she counted off on her fingers. "Billy, Steve, Kim, Ignacio and Summer."

Camila hoped she hid her disappointment well. "Is Lauren still at the set?" she found herself asking.

"Nope. I invited her, but she said she wasn't feeling well," Dinah answered, looking at Camila curiously. "Sorry," she added with a smirk.

Camila stared at the computer screen in order to avoid Dinah's gaze. Lauren wasn't feeling well? What did she have? A cold? The flu? Something worse? And she was all alone in that big empty apartment.

Camila bit her lip thoughtfully, lost in thought. That is, until Dinah cleared her throat loudly.

"I said, anything new in your life?"

Suddenly, Camila perked up. "Anthony and I are going away for the weekend."

The shocked look on Dinah's face was priceless. "You're what?"

"Going. Away," Camila said, making sure to emphasize each syllable. "His parents rented a cabin in the woods up north. They had a change of plans and left it to us."

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