Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

But now that your lips are burning mine
I'm beginning to see the light

- I'm beginning to see the light (Harry James)

Prem had trouble separating his lips from Boun's. But he was starving and freezing. And Boun's cold body wasn't helping. When he finally managed Boun examined his face. 'What's wrong?' Boun asked him. 'I'm cold' Prem said softly. He was afraid of offending Boun and he broke eye contact.


Boun was appalled by his own insensitivity. He'd just promised Prem that he was safe and about two minutes in he was still freezing and dirty. 'I'm so sorry' he quickly said. Prem looked up at him with surprise. Only then did it dawn at Boun that Prem was afraid of angering him. 'Prem' he gently put his fingers beneath Prem's chin 'If you ever need anything, you can just tell me. Like you just did. Do you understand?' Prem nodded, still surprised. 'I will never get angry with you for asking for something you need' to Boun's surprise tears filled Prem's eyes before he nodded again. He then remembered what Prem had asked of him and he quickly formed a plan in his head. 'Come with me' he took Prem's hand and led him to Yut, who (to his own discomfort) had to witness everything. Boun wrapped his hands around Prem's waist and put him on Yut. He then mounted and sat behind Prem. 'Are you okay?' he asked him. Prem nodded but Boun could hear his heart beating. 'Don't worry, you're safe' Boun said.


Prem had never been on a horse before. The excitement made his heart beat like crazy, but he was too hungry to truly be scared. 'You can hold on to his manes if you want' Boun told him. Prem gratefully grabbed the horse's long, black manes. He was amazed by the softness. Gradually they started moving. Slowly at first, but soon they were galloping at full speed. Prem didn't feel wobbly though. The horse's movements were smooth and swift. It was surprisingly comfortable. 'Are you still okay' Boun asked him 'Yeah' Prem laughed. 'What's his name?' he asked Boun 'Yut' 'Yut' Prem softly whispered as he caressed the neck of the beautiful creature beneath him. Yut briefly shook his head in recognition of his name. They soon arrived at the lake.

When Yut finally stood still Boun helped Prem down. He ensured that the cloak fully covered him before going back to his horse's saddlebag to get out some firewood. Starting the fire went a bit smoother this time and within seconds Prem could stretch out his hands and enjoy the warmth. 'Are you hungry?' Boun asked him. 'Yes' Prem exclaimed before wrapping his hands around his mouth. He'd spoken very loudly. Boun laughed at his innocence. 'Good' he said and took out the plastic bag. Prem's eyes grew huge. 'What is that?' he asked Boun 'It's for you' Boun said with a slight smile. Prem hesitantly stretched out his arms and received the gift. When he looked inside he couldn't believe his eyes. He had never had that much food before. Before he could help himself he cried again. 'Don't cry' Boun said 'I'm sorry' Prem tried to smile through the tears 'No no no don't be sorry either' Boun laughed 'Just eat'. Prem gratefully obliged. He started with the plastic box on top, which was still hot. When he opened it he saw Pad Thai. He quickly put the bag next to him and started eating. From the corner of his eye he could see Boun smiling.

When he finished the Pad Thai he let out a big burp. This sent Boun into a frenzy of laughter and not much later Yut joined in. Prem looked at them with pretended indignation. 'What are you laughing at' he demanded with a smile. 'You're cute' Boun said, in turn smiling back. 'Come on, look at the other things in the bag' he told him. Prem quickly put the plastic bag on his lap again and started searching through it. Boun had bought everything off of the shelf. Literally. 'Next time you can just tell me what you like' Boun said when he saw his surprise. Prem nodded. He decided to pull out a pink-coloured soda. The Pad Thai had made him thirsty. When he put the bottle to his lips he tried to remember the last time he'd had soda. He couldn't. The sweet, refreshing taste reminded him of Boun's lips and left him wanting more. He drank most of the bottle before letting out another burp and deciding to put it back in the bag. 'What are you looking at' he sneered at Boun, who was still smiling at his cuteness. 'You' Boun said. His shamelessness made Prem shy. 'Have you had enough?' Boun asked him 'Of you?' Prem smiled 'Oh ho' Boun laughed 'I meant the food' Prem thought for a second and then nodded. Boun took the bag back to Yut while Prem enjoyed the satisfaction of being warm and full.

Love and Blood - A BounPrem Vampire StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang