Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The feeling of Yut's velvet nose, rubbing against the side of his head, woke Boun up. 'What the hell' he muttered. Then he jumped up, which made Prem wake up too. 'What is it Phi?' he rubbed his eyes. Boun's senses were sharp. It was still dark, but for how long? 'I fell asleep' he said. He couldn't believe that he'd been so careless. After a couple of seconds he realized that he still had enough time to get back. He let out a huge sigh of relief. 'Are you going to be okay?' Prem had caught on to what was happening, and he sound worried. 'Yeah I'll be fine' Yut had woken him at exactly the right time. Thank you Yut only shook his manes in response. Boun briefly laid back down to give Prem a kiss. 'I'll be back tonight, okay?' Prem nodded 'Be safe, Hia' Boun melted 'Only for you, Prem' he gave him one, last kiss before standing back up and climbing on Yut.


Prem could never sleep after Boun was gone. But this time his absence gave Prem time to think and figure out his emotions. Unconsciously his hand went to his shoulder, that still had a faint mark. He laid there pondering until the sun had risen well above the horizon. When Prem felt the warmth of the rays on his cheeks he realized how long he'd contemplated. He got up but it soon became clear to him that there was no way he would be able to get to school on time. He cursed softly and ran his fingers through his hair. If it took him too long to show up the school would call his father, and who knew what he would say. Prem quickly grabbed his backpack and decided to eat breakfast while he was running.

When he arrived at school the yard was empty. He took a moment to breathe while sweat was running down his body. After a few deep breaths he made his way inside. 'Name' the concierge didn't even look at him 'Prem' he said. The concierge raised her eyebrow. 'Warut' Prem quickly added. The sound of her long nails on the keyboard made Prem want to flinch. 'Reason' she started chewing her gum loudly. 'I-' Prem's mind was still a mess 'I wasn't feeling very well'. The concierge looked at him before shrugging and waving him away. Prem gratefully went to the classroom.

'Prem!' his Thai teacher was almost yelling 'Yes sir' Prem tried to push his daydreams away 'Question 4' 'Yes sir' Prem hurriedly leafed through his notebook, turning red with self-consciousness. When he finally found it he quickly read through his answer. Not without stuttering, though, and he could hear some kids laughing in the back. His shame made him want to disappear. His teacher pursed his lips before saying: 'Keep your attention within this classroom, please' 'Yes sir' Prem's voice was soft. He couldn't wait for the bel to ring.


Boun let out a deep sigh when the king decided to call it a day 'Boun' he said. Boun immediately knew what this was about. 'Yes, your majesty' he locked his eyes on his father's 'I need you to be straight with me' Boun didn't break eye contact 'Straight about what?' he replied after a while 'Have you found someone?' this made Boun face the ground 'I knew it!' the king laughed 'You can't keep secrets from me, boy. Who is she?' Boun shook his head with annoyance, still avoiding the king's gaze 'That's fine, you don't have to tell me, but you do realize that I will have to pretend to give all the senator's girls a chance, right?' Boun gathered enough confidence and looked him in the eye again 'Yes I understand, father' he added the last part with difficulty. The king nodded with approval 'I dare say you're almost ready' Boun lifted his chin and pretended to feel proud 'You may take your leave' the king said. Boun turned around and walked out of the room. He felt sick.

He knocked on her door. This time it took Phailin only a couple of seconds to open it, though. 'Can I come in?' Boun tried to smile 'Don't smile like that' she sighed and let him in. Boun gratefully lowered the corners of his mouth. 'What happened?' sometimes it was scary how well she knew him. He just shook his head 'Nothing of importance, what do you have for me?' her face immediately lit up. She loved talking about her work 'You'll be able to move in tomorrow, as promised'

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