Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I see your monsters
I see your pain
Tell me your problems
I'll chase them away
I'll be your lighthouse
I'll make it okay

- Monsters (Timeflies)

Prem took a deep breath when they stood in front of his old house. 'Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?' 'Yes Phi, I'm sure' Prem tried to feel as confident as he sounded but he failed. As if Boun knew what was bothering him he said: 'I'll be right here, Prem. If something goes wrong you won't even have to call me' 'Thank you Hia' Prem tried to smile 'Do you have the money?' 'Yeah, here' Boun gave him the bill. Prem took another breath before walking up to the front door. He knocked thrice please don't be home please don't be home please don't be ho- the door opened. 'What the hell are you doing here' his father's voice was cold and emotionless. Prem forgot everything around him, fear crept up to his chest 'I hope you don't expect me to take you back' all of a sudden Prem got a hold of his emotions. He shook his head and stuck out the 100 Baht bill 'This is yours' he managed to get out. His father quickly grabbed it and put it in his pocket 'Did you steal it?!' Prem could hear his father's anger and instinctively flinched 'I'm sorry pa' 'YOU FUC-'


Boun had watched the encounter closely. He didn't like what he was seeing and once his senses started picking up the conversation his anger grew. He didn't interfere, though, just like Prem had asked him to. But when Prem's father raised his hand he couldn't hold himself in any longer and jumped forward. Within only a couple of seconds he held Prem's father by his collar and pushed him against a wall in the house 'Who the hell are you' Prem's father had difficulty breathing. 'Nobody' Boun muttered and reached in his pocket. He pulled out a fistful of money and stuffed it in Prem's father's pocket 'Get drunk with it, gamble it away, do whatever you want with it. But touch Prem again and I'll kill you' the man looked at him with confusion. Boun tightened his grip 'Have I made myself clear?' 'Hia' he heard Prem say softly behind him. Boun ignored him 'Have. I. Made. Myself. Clear?' 'Yes' Prem's father eagerly nodded. Boun loosened his grip slightly and motioned for Prem to go outside. When he'd ensured Prem's safety he let his father go. In a split-second decision, which he immediately regretted, he took a look at the house. It was covered in filth and garbage, and it had pools of vomit lying around on the floor. He turned around and closed the door behind him.

When he saw his boyfriend sitting on the porch he quickly made his way over to him and embraced him 'Why did you do that, P'Boun?' he cried 'Because he was going to hurt you' Boun could feel Prem's inner battle 'Prem I know he's your father, that's why I didn't kill him. But he had this one coming' 'I'm sorry Phi' 'Prem there's nothing to be sorry about' Boun held him a little tighter 'It's okay to be angry with me, just know that I did it because I love you' Prem buried his head in Boun's chest and kept crying. When he calmed down a little he said: 'I'm not angry with you, Phi. I just-' 'I know' Boun replied 'I know Prem, I can feel it' they looked in each other's eyes 'Let's go home Phi' Prem's voice was still trembling 'Let's go home'

Prem cried the entire way home. Boun held him tightly but he couldn't take his pain away. Even Yut was affected by Prem's sorrow, Boun's horse had grown fond of him. When they finally arrived home Boun quickly dismounted and put Prem on the ground 'Come here boy' Boun hugged him 'I have to take off Yut's saddle, will you come with me?' Boun wasn't going to leave him alone. Prem nodded and wiped the tears off his face. Boun put his arm around Prem's waist and took him to the stables. Once Yut was in the stable Boun swiftly took of his saddle and reins. Then they went back to the house. 'Let's just go to bed' 'Okay Phi' Prem's voice was small. Boun put the bags on the floor and took out Prem's pyjamas. He gently changed him and took him to their bedroom. He tucked him in and after a moment's hesitation softly kissed his lips. 'I'll be here in a second, I have to put away the groceries first' Prem nodded and sighed deeply. Boun planted another kiss on his lips before going back to the kitchen and packing everything away. Then a flash of red caught his eye 'His plushie' Boun muttered and he took it out of the bag with his own pyjamas. He went back to the bedroom and snuggled next to Prem, hiding the plushie behind his back 'You should put on your pyjamas first P'Boun' Prem muttered 'I will' Boun smiled 'But somebody wants to say hello' 'Who wants to say hello?' 'Mister cuddles' Boun pushed the teddy bear against Prem's cheek as if it was kissing him. Prem let out a short giggle and wrapped his arms around it 'Hello mister cuddles' he whispered. Boun melted and kissed Prem's forehead 'Let me change, then I'll hold you too' Prem nodded and let him change. Boun could feel Prem's eyes in his back as he stripped. All of a sudden he wondered whether Prem liked his body. This is no time to ask he thought to himself and quickly threw on his pyjamas. Then he climbed in bed and pulled Prem, who was still holding mister cuddles, into an embrace 'Sweet dreams, Nong Pao' 'Sweet dreams Hia'

Prem's irregular breathing and soft muttering worried Boun. He was falling into a nightmare but Boun didn't want to wake him up, knowing that his nightmare would continue the moment he fell asleep again. 'Sssh boy' he tried to calm him down but it didn't work. Then Prem started repeating a word 'Pa, pa, pa' his voice became louder and started shaking. In an impulse Boun put his hand on Prem's neck and tried to transfer his thoughts. Miraculously, it worked. Boun let out a sigh of relief and decided to take Prem on a tour through the world in his dreams. Soon Prem's breathing became regular and his soft snoring returned. He even giggled a little. Then he faintly started repeating another word: 'P'Boun'


When Prem woke up he had a deep sense of peace and happiness. 'Did you like your dream?' Boun asked him. Prem groaned a little and tried to remember it. Then he got flashes of mountains, seas, deserts and much, much more. 'It was beautiful' he muttered. Then it hit him 'Wait, how did you...' 'How do you think?' Boun grinned and put a kiss on Prem's head 'You can do that?' 'Apparently, I didn't know either' Boun started playing with Prem's fingers 'That's so cool, Phi' 'You think so?' 'Yeah, you're almost as cool as Mulan' Prem laughed at him and stuck out his tongue 'Oh ho is Mulan a vampire, Prem?' 'No, but she's still cooler' 'Hey' Boun started kneading Prem's waist, resulting in Prem laughing loudly 'Oi oi oi I'm sorry Phi, I surrender' 'What was that?' Boun kneaded harder 'You're cooler than her' Prem laughed 'Eiii' 'Yeah? Are you happy now?' 'Very happy' Boun planted a kiss on Prem's lips 'I'm going to get some breakfast' Prem said and gave Boun his plushie 'Take care of mister cuddles for me' 'He's in good hands' Boun reassured him and watched him as he walked away. He tried to control his thoughts, but when he realized that he couldn't he got up and followed his boyfriend.


Prem opened the cupboard and licked his lips when he saw all the cereals. All of a sudden he felt Boun hug him from behind. Boun breathed heavily and kissed his neck, making his intensions very clear. Prem giggled and closed the cupboard. Then he turned around and kissed his boyfriend on his lips. Boun kissed him until he softly started moaning. Then Boun chuckled and brought him to their bedroom. They didn't even bother closing the door.


'Hm' Boun moaned contently when they were done. Prem's head rested on his chest. 'You taste good in the morning' Boun giggled 'You always talk like you're eating me' Prem sounded annoyed but Boun knew he had a smile on his face 'I'm eating you slowly, one bit at a time' he giggled 'I'll be dead by next year then' Prem was giggling now, too 'No, I think I'll give you another two years' 'You're so generous Phi, thank you' 'Oi, I love you' Boun put his lips against Prem's head 'I love you too, Hia' Prem said and planted a kiss on Boun's chest 'My little Salapao' Boun muttered. He would have given anything to freeze in that moment. Then he realized that he could 'Wait here' he stood up and walked to their kitchen, where he'd put the paper bag from the drugstore. He quickly took out the camera and walked back in the room 'Oi Phi what are you going to do' Prem laughed 'I'm naked' 'So cover yourself' Boun smiled as Prem hurriedly pulled the duvet over himself, leaving only his chest exposed. Boun pursed his lips but decided to develop the film himself, so nobody else would see it. After he made the picture, Prem jumped up 'My turn' he grinned 'What?' Prem took the camera from Boun's hand and positioned him on the bed, covering only his area. Boun happily let Prem do whatever he wanted 'Okay you just stay like that' Prem's face was filled with concentration. Boun sat still and patiently waited for Prem to take the picture. After he did Boun grabbed the camera and put it on Prem's bedside table, then he pulled his boyfriend close 'You're very handsome when you're concentrated like that, you know that?' 'Oi Phi, you're just trying to get me to do it again' 'I mean it' Boun laughed 'But is it working?' Prem grinned and kissed him 'Why don't you try and find out?'

'We have to work on that geography essay of yours today, Prem' Boun said. Prem groaned with disapproval and tried to get out of Boun's embrace 'Hey hey hey' Boun laughed and tightened his grip 'Who told you you could go?' 'I did' Prem stuck out his tongue 'Not good enough' Boun grinned. Prem struggled a little but soon gave up 'We did so much yesterday' he sighed 'I know' Boun planted a kiss on his hair 'We'll do a little less today, but it has to get done tua-eng' 'Why do you keep calling me your tua-eng?' Prem laughed 'Well, you are, aren't you?' Boun smiled and kissed him on his lips 'Come on, let's get going' 'Five more minutes' Prem groaned 'Please? Can tua-eng ask for that?' Prem knew him too well. Boun shook his head in pretended despair but gave in. He couldn't say no to his boy.

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