Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I love to hold you close, tonight and always
In the place that feels the tears

The place to lose your fears
A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw
I love to wake up next to you


It took Boun another two days to recover. 'Well, it seems like you're better. You'll have to keep being careful, but you should be able to resume your daily activities' Phailin said 'Thank you Phai, if you ever want me to repay you-' Phailin shook her head 'You won't have to' she smiled 'Just be gentle with him' she added. Boun lips curled up into a telling smile and he sat up. 'Will you go back tonight?' he asked her. For some reason the thought of leaving made her want to cry 'Yeah' she managed to get out. Boun nodded 'Don't forget to greet Prem, he'll be sad if you don't' 'Don't worry, I won't' she smiled. 'Oh and, before I forget, I'll come by a couple of evenings to work on that dance with the two of you' 'Yes, thank you' Boun smiled as she left the room.


'Hooo' when they arrived at the edge of the forest, Prem brought Aran to a halt. He dismounted 'You stay here' Aran softly snorted in response. Prem quickly ran his fingers through his horse's hair before kneeling down. It didn't take him long to spot purple lotus flowers 'There you are' he smiled and plucked them. Four to go he took Aran's bridle and walked for a while. 'Frangipanis' he muttered when a sweet smell hit his nose. The creamy flowers soon caught his eye. He picked a couple of them as well, packing them away in Aran's saddlebag with the lotus flowers. All of a sudden he saw a flash of red in the corner of his eye. It's amazing how much you can see when you pay attention he smiled to himself while plucking the hibiscus flowers. He wanted to go on, but the grumbling of his stomach gently let him know that he would have to return home.

'Prem!' Boun was sitting at the dining table 'Phi, what are you doing out of bed?' 'My back is healed' Boun grinned and stood up. Prem gently hugged him 'Oh ho boy I'm not made of sugar' Boun laughed and hugged him tightly 'You're really better' Prem sounded, and felt, surprised. Boun raised his eyebrow 'What? You didn't think I'd make it?' Prem only scoffed in response 'Did you buy yourself food?' Boun asked him. Prem proudly held up the plastic bag, he'd bought enough groceries for the weekend 'Let me heat it up for you' Boun smiled. When the food was in the microwave, Boun turned around. Then he started shaking the table, without much success 'What the hell are you doing?' Prem started worrying for his boyfriend's mental state 'Nothing' Boun grinned and walked over to him. All of a sudden he wrapped his hands around Prem's waist and put him on the table 'Spread your legs, boy' Boun muttered and gently pushed them open. He wrapped his arms around Prem and stood close to him 'I love you' he smiled 'I love you too, Hia' Prem giggled. Boun slowly inched closer, waiting a couple of moments before kissing him. 'Uhum' Boom cleared his throat. 'Oi' Prem immediately jerked his lips back tried to jump off the table, but he was held in place by Boun 'What is it?' Boun asked Boom curtly. A small smile decorated Boom's face 'Once the sun sets, Phai and I'll go back to the palace. When you've Turned him I'll come by and teach him how to fight' Boun sighed but nodded with satisfaction 'And you'll-' 'Gauge the opinion of the peasants' Boom grinned 'They're not peasants' Boun scoffed and shook his head 'What do you mean Phi?' Prem asked Boom 'I'm going to gauge whether Boun is as popular as he thinks he is' Boom explained 'Oh' Prem still didn't completely understand, but he wisely decided against asking further. 'Prem!' Phailin yelled from the movie room 'I'm coming!' Prem jumped off the table and quickly gave Boun a peck 'I'll see you later Phi' he smiled before running downstairs.


'P'Phai, P'Boun told me that you dry flowers' 'He did?' Phailin frowned how the hell did they arrive at that subject? 'I have to dry some for biology' Prem explained 'Prem, that's so much fun. Did you already pick them?' Prem eagerly nodded 'I was just wondering if...' his voice faded 'If what?' 'If you could help me dry them, I think I fell asleep during class' 'Of course, Prem' Phailin laughed 'Do you have the flowers, books and newspapers?' 'Right here, thank you Phi' they spent about thirty minutes on the flowers before Phailin was content 'Now just wait for two weeks, and keep them here' 'Two weeks?!' 'How long did you think it'd take?' 'I dunno...' Prem murmured something 'What was that?' 'Two days or something' he mumbled 'You have to be patient!' she laughed 'Trust, a lot of things become better when you have to wait for them' just like you're waiting right now? She pushed the thought away.

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