Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

- Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 (NIV)

'P'Boun' Prem muttered when he heard the door open. He ran towards it but got held back by Boom 'Stand back Prem, he's wounded' his words triggered something in Prem and he started sobbing. Boom sighed deeply and told Phailin to take Boun to the bedroom 'Prem' he put his hands on Prem's shoulders 'What you're doing isn't helping' Prem looked at Boom and slowly stopped crying 'He's very fragile, we don't know whether he's going to make it. But we'll do our best' Boom continued 'What can I do?' Prem felt helpless 'Go to the sunroom, try to get your thoughts in order' Boom paused for a second 'And think of what you're going to tell him if...' he didn't finish his sentence. Tears left Prem's eyes again but he nodded and went to the sunroom.

What do I tell him? The thought of saying goodbye to Boun made Prem's chest hurt. He sat there for what felt like hours, but he could only cry 'Prem' Prem jerked his head up 'How is he' Prem's eyes were wide. Phailin looked at him and sighed deeply 'He's weak' Prem cursed softly and tears strolled down his face 'Prem, listen to me. He's unconscious, and we don't know whether he's going to make it. So cherish these moments' She put her hand on Prem's shoulder led him to the bedroom. Before opening the door she said: 'Don't cry' Prem quickly wiped the tears off his face 'Will he know that I'm there?' he asked her 'Just go in and see him'

When Prem saw Boun he immediately sat down on the chair Boom had put next to the bed. He took Boun's hand in his 'Hey Phi' he whispered. Boom and Phailin stood behind him. Boun's breathing was regular, but his lips were as pale as the rest of his skin. 'What happened?' Prem tried to keep his tears in 'He fought a werewolf and the bloody thing ripped his back open' Boom's jaws were clenched. Prem held his boyfriend's hand a bit tighter 'We need blood' Phailin muttered 'We can't go out now' Boom replied 'I know' Phailin cursed softly 'Take mine' Prem said 'What? Absolutely not. We're having a hard enough time controlling ourselves as it is' Phailin said curtly 'P'Phai he will die' Prem's eyes teared up 'Please take mine' 'Fucking hell boy has nobody taught you to listen?' Boom sneered. Prem flinched 'Boom stop it' Phailin sighed 'He's just worried Prem, and if we could do it safely-' all of a sudden her eyes lit up 'Prem, come with me'


She took Prem to the sunroom and whispered so no one could hear them 'I need you to go into the forest, take your horse. Go as far as you can and cut yourself here' she pointed to a spot on his upper arm 'Cut a straight line of approximately one centimetre' she paused for a second to get her fangs under control 'Take two bottles from the kitchen and pour the blood in there. Once the bottles are full you have to wrap a bandage around your arm. Do it tightly so it stops the bleeding' Prem listened intensively 'Put the bottles inside and run back outside as quickly as you can, we won't be able to reach you there. Keep riding your horse until night-time, after that Boom and I will feed and you'll be able to come back safely. Do you understand me?' Phailin let him repeat what he had to do thrice before letting him go.


Prem quickly walked to the kitchen. After a couple of seconds of pondering he decided to take three bottles off the shelf. Then he ran to the stables. As soon as he'd saddled Aran he mounted and galloped away. When he thought he was far enough he dismounted 'Okay' he muttered. He took the knife and bandages Phailin had given him and laid them out in front of him. Then unscrewed the lids of the bottles and took off his shirt. He ensured that he knew exactly where to cut himself before getting a hold of the knife. He gritted his teeth and slowly slid the knife through his flesh. The blood poured out like a fountain and he quickly covered the wound with a bottle. He stayed in that position and slowly felt the bottle get heavier. When it was almost full he quickly screwed the lid on and put the next one over his wound. As he was filling it he started getting dizzy. But, against his better judgement, he filled all three. When he was done he tightly wrapped bandages around his arm. Then he sat back for a while, he felt lightheaded. But the thought of Boun becoming weaker by the second made him get up and mount Aran.

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