Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

L is for the way you lied to me
love, love

- End This (Hailee Steinfeld)

They continued like that for another two weeks. The combination of food, horseback riding, love, happiness and sex soon made Prem a very healthy and well-built boy. Boun enjoyed watching him grow, becoming happier by the day. And with him, Boun steadily became happier too. From time to time he even forgot that he'd had a life before Prem.


'Boun!' Boun heard behind him. He wanted to ignore the call but was surprised when Phailin walked up to him 'How are you?' she asked him 'I'm great' Boun realized that he was sounding sarcastic 'I mean it. Prem makes me really happy' 'Good' Phailin looked at him as if she was waiting for something 'So... How are you?' Boun said after a while 'I'm doing fine. I had a question for you' Boun frowned 'Fire away' 'When is your one-month anniversary?' 'My what?' 'No not just yours, yours and Prem's' 'Our what?' Phailin shook her head in disappointment 'Your one-month anniversary' she articulated her words as if she was talking to a child. And, considering the subject, she probably was. 'Anni- anniversary?' Boun cursed beneath his breath 'You haven't even thought of that?' Phailin pursed her lips but Boun knew she enjoyed teasing him. He also knew that she only reminded him because she didn't want Prem to be angry with him. 'Thank you Phai, I'll find out' 'Tell me when you do. Oh and I'll probably stop by at some point this week. I want to see Prem again' she winked and walked away. Boun sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. His day had just gotten a considerable amount harder.

Boun pondered over her question while he walked towards the stables. He soon realized that he would never be able to remember the exact date. It's been almost a month, and it's the 28th of November today, so it must've started around the fir- his thoughts were interrupted by a soft yet busy conversation. Boun immediately pressed himself against the wall, two men were discussing right around the corner 'You better remember who you're talking to' 'I could kill you before dawn' When Boun recognized the voices he couldn't believe his ears 'You don't have the stomach for that' the king scoffed 'I'm starting to develop one' Sanun replied. Suddenly Boun realized what the king would do to him if he found out that Boun was eavesdropping. He quickly turned around and left them to their own problems.

Boun made his way through the countless hallways, and by the time he arrived at the stables the twilight had made place for the dark of the night. 'Hey boy' Boun stroked his horse's neck. Yut softly snorted in response. 'I get to spend the weekend home, can you believe that?' he softly muttered. He could feel his horse's mood lift, Yut didn't like the palace stables. Something about them being too crowded. Boun sighed and grabbed the saddle. But as he saddled Yut a huge smile broke through on his face. He couldn't wait to go home.

'Oi oi oi Phi' 'What' Boun kept kissing his neck 'Do you want me to do something else?' he chuckled. Prem grinned and tried to pull his neck away 'Not that, there's someone at the door' Boun stopped for a while to listen. Then he continued 'They can wait' 'Oh ho Phi, just open the door' Prem had a hard time keeping his moans in 'I'll wait here' he added. Boun stopped and tried to get his emotions under control. Then he stood up and quickly threw on a shirt 'If you move-' he began 'I won't' Prem laughed 'Go now, Phi' Boun shook his head and went to the front door, vowing to himself to kill whatever was on the other side of it. But he forgot his vow as quickly as he made it when he saw who it was.


Boom hadn't seen his brother in five years, and after talking to Phailin he realized that it had been longer than he'd hoped it would be. The idea of Boun trying to settle down was strange to Boom. And if Phailin hadn't told him where the house was he probably wouldn't have believed her. He still wasn't sure whether he did. And sure enough, when the door opened he almost fainted. His brother stood in front of him, but something was very different. Boom couldn't put his finger on it. 'Boom!' Boun sounded almost as surprised as Boom felt 'Brother!' Boom smiled and hugged him 'You have to tell me everything and then introduce me to the woman that bewitched you' Boun raised his eyebrows in surprise. Boom put his arm around his younger brother's shoulders 'You didn't think I'd know, huh? You could never keep secrets from me' 'Oh you'll be surprised by this one' Boun smiled 'Should I be worried?' 'Oh ho, you know you're never worried about me' 'Don't make me out to be a bad brother' Boom laughed 'Hia?' he heard someone say behind them 'Who-' when Boom saw the boy his eyes widened. Then he smelled the blood. His fangs began to twitch uncontrollably.


Boun immediately knew what was going on. 'Prem go back to our room and close the door' he quickly wrapped his arms around his brother. Prem obeyed and left Boun and Boom alone in the room 'Come on Boom, let's go find some animals' 'Oh you have a perfect animal right here' 'If you hurt a hair on his head I'll kill you' Boun turned his brother around to face him, so Boom would see how serious he was. 'Let's go' Boun could see Boom's internal fight, but before long he gave up and stormed out the door. Don't worry, we'll go feed and then come back. You're safe Boun told Prem. Then he followed his brother outside.

Boun missed hunting with Boom. They had been vampires for so long that hunting had become a second nature. They didn't have to talk, or even look at each other to know what the other one was up to. Boun quickly realized that Boom had picked up a scent. He stuck his nose in the air and picked it up, too. It was the scent of a deer. Boun's fangs got hard to control and soon they were out in the open, just like Boom's. As the hunt pursued, the scent got stronger. And before long Boun could see the deer's antlers. Boom raised his right hand, waiting for the perfect moment. As soon as he lowered it the brothers jumped on the deer, digging their fangs in deep.

'What the hell Boun' Boom said when they were done 'What 'what the hell'' Boun replied 'A boy?' 'You got a problem with that?' Boun loved his brother, but he wasn't going to deal with homophobia 'No' Boom said slowly, judging his brother's seriousness 'But he's young, he's human. Boun, you have to know that this can't go anywhere' Boun didn't reply 'You haven't even told him, have you?' Boom scoffed. Boun stood up 'I don't want to talk about this right now' 'Boun if you really love him, don't you think he deserves to know?' 'I don't want to talk about it' Boun didn't even bother looking back at his brother and started walking back to the cottage. The future was catching up with him, but he wasn't ready for it.

'I'm sorry for almost killing you' Boom grinned when they were all sitting in the sunroom 'It's fine Phi' Prem smiled. 'It won't happen again' Boun said 'Boom will feed every time he comes here, like Phai. Right Boom?' he sent Boom a look 'Yes of course' Boom laughed 'No, I am sorry Prem. I'll just feed next time' 'It's okay P'Boom, and thank you' Prem politely bowed. Boun smiled and ruffled his hair 'So has Boun told you of the things he's been up to these past few weeks?' Boom asked Prem. Boun felt his chest jump 'Boom' he warned him 'No no no Prem will like this story' 'What story?' Prem undoubtedly felt the sudden tension in the room 'Boom stop it' Boun's jaws were clenched 'He needs to find a wife' Boom said 'A what?' Prem immediately looked up at Boun, who didn't dare meet his gaze. 'Oh you didn't know?' Boom acted surprised 'Boom that's enough' 'You know, a vampire woman to rule beside him' Prem was silent for a while. Then he stood up and walked away. 'Prem' Boun tried but he realized that it was hopeless. 'I will fuc-' Boun started 'You can't play house forever' Boom shrugged in response. Boun was furious but he knew that he would have to go after Prem first.


When he closed the bedroom door behind him Prem started crying uncontrollably, something he'd hardly ever done since he met Boun. Why did this not hit him earlier? Did he really think that someone like Boun could love him forever? 'Prem' Boun's voice was soft, soothing. But Prem didn't fall for it 'What the fuck did you think you were doing' Prem started hyperventilating 'Prem calm down' Boun quickly made his way over to him and wrapped his arms around him 'DON'T TOUCH ME' Prem screamed 'I will let you go, but first I need you to calm down' Boun started crying too 'Please breathe boy' Prem broke down, tears streaming down his face. How could he have been so stupid? 'Breathe' Boun's voice was trembling 'I promise you Prem, no matter what happens, it will be okay' 'How can I believe you?' Prem stammered 'I love you, Prem. I love you so, so much' Boun smiled through his tears 'But for how long?' Prem whispered 'How long before you're not interested anymore? Like with P'Phai? Or how long before your father forces you to find a woman? Or ho-' 'PREM' Boun yelled. Prem flinched, only still standing because of Boun's embrace. 'Stop it' tears streamed down Boun's cheeks as he pushed his lips against Prem's hair, breathing in his scent. 'I won't stop loving you. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. I never loved Phailin. I care for her, but I have never loved her the way I love you. And I'm not going to change. Do you understand?' Prem looked up at him, his eyes red and puffy from the tears 'Make me a vampire'

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