Ch. 1

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Niall and I have been friends for over 20 years. We met at daycare, when we were just 2 years old. Well, he was 3, I was 2. I don't really remember how we met but my mum has told me that he randomly kissed me then took one of my toys. We played everyday together after that and became best friends. I watched him audition for X-Factor and go on to be one of the most amazing singers ever. I'm so incredibly proud of him. I loved touring with he and the boys. Now he has his own album and is doing his own tour with Maren Morris. She's lovely, I love her so much.

I'm going to spend the weekend with him for his birthday. It's a surprise so I've been communicating with Maren. Everyone on his team knows me so it was easy to get a pass. Jacob, one of his security guards, came to pick me up and we just pulled into the arena. I'm so excited to see him, it's been almost 5 months since we last saw each other. We do FaceTime almost every night or just text in general. I miss his hugs so much.

When he first got famous, everyone thought we were dating. And I mean everyone, including the boys. The press came up with many stories but finally realized we were not together. We don't even see each other in that way.

I follow Jacob inside and can hear him rehearsing. He always gets nervous before a concert, no matter how many times he's done them.

"Andie!" Some calls out my name. I spin around and find Marren running towards me.

"Hey Maren!" I give her a huge hug.

"How have you been?!" She asks when we step apart.

"Great! Work is keeping me busy but I am loving it." I'm a fashion designer for Armani. No clue how I landed the job but I did. I design men's suits and of course, get Niall to help.

"That's great. He should be off in a minute, if you want to go surprise him." I nod excitingly and run off. It's hard not being around him everyday but work does keep me busy. We've been inseparable since we were babies.

"Alright, that's all! Niall, just give your headset to Charles and you're all done." Kaleb, the sound tech, yells.

"Alright mate!" Niall's accent is still thick as ever but I've been living in New York for 4 years so mine has faded a little. I hide a little bit but still make it to where he can see me but the idiot just walks right passed me.

"Niall James, you're just going to walk passed your best friend like that?" I put my hands on my hips and try not to smile when he turns around.

"Rea!" He yells and runs to pick me up. I jump in his arms and hug him tightly. His scent invades my senses, making me relax. I've missed his hugs so much. We hold each other tightly for a few minutes until I feel him walking. I'm guessing we're going to the dressing room. My suspicions are soon confirmed when he sits down on a couch.

"I've missed you so much, Rea." He breathes a sigh of relief.

"I've missed you too." I breathe in his scent once more before moving my head to look at him. I run my fingers through his short hair.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a show in Paris?" His hands find their way to my legs and rub up and down.

"Mmm that may have been a lie. I couldn't miss your birthday! What kind of friend would I be?!" I laugh. He smiles and kisses my nose.

"I'm really glad you're hear, darlin." He sighs and lays his head on my chest. Ooh! I forgot his present!

"I have your present. Let me grab it!" I jump up and run to my bag that Jacob brought in here. I grab the little box and run back over to him, climbing in his lap.

"Here ya go." I hand it to him.

"Darlin, you didn't have to get me anything. You being here is enough." He chuckles but opens the gift.

"It's the new Armani watch. Hasn't even been released yet, you're the first to get one. I had to pull a lot of strings to get that, which included going on a date with the designer. You're lucky I love you, that man is a creep." I shudder, remembering the awkward date.

"I love you too. Thank you. This is amazing." He kisses my chin then slips the watch on.

"It's beautiful. And I'm sorry you had to go through that just to get me this watch." He smiles and looks at the watch.

"Anything for my best friend." I giggle and kiss his nose.

"Wait! Look at the inside." I smile. I had it engraved with the day we met. Of course, I had to ask my mum cause I clearly don't remember.

"4-23-95. What's this date?" I laugh since he clearly doesn't remember either.

"The day we met! Well according to my mum it is. I really don't remember that far back." I giggle.

"Really? I've put up with you for over 20 years? Damn." I slap his shoulder as he laughs.

"23 to be exact. Damn we're old." I laugh and lay my head on his shoulder. He puts the watch back in its box and sets it on the table next to him before wrapping his arms around me again.

"What are we doing for your birthday?" I mumble in his neck.

"Traveling to Connecticut." He chuckles.

"We can't be traveling all day? We can still do something that night." I say. It's his 25th birthday so we have to do something.

"I'd rather just hang out with you and watch a movie or something." He tells me. I look at him like "are you joking?".

"Cmon, Rea, we do something big every year and I'm right in the middle of tour. I'm exhausted and just want to spend time with my best friend. Please?" He gives me his famous puppy dog eyes and I groan, giving in.

"Fine. We'll watch your favorite movie and order Nando's. Sound good?" He smiles and kisses my nose, making me smile.


My Best FriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ