Ch. 2

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Alex, his hair and makeup artist, walks in a few minutes later telling him to go shower. I lay down on the couch and answer some emails. I took a few days off but they still need me. I told my secretary not to let any calls go through to me unless it was an emergency. I want to focus on Ni while I'm here.

"How have you been Andie?" Alex asks.

"Great! Super busy but I love it. How about you? He's not giving you too much crap is he?" I smile as he walks out of the loo.

"What? Who? Me? No way!" He feens hurt but I roll my eyes.

"He's been incredibly moody since the last time you were here. Sit." She tells me then commands him. I laugh and walk closer to them.

"Glad someone else can get him to listen. For years, he would only listen to me. Stubborn one he is." I smile and he frowns. My phone starts going off and it's my secretary. I guess there's an emergency.

"I have to get this. Stop being as ass." I kiss his forehead and walk out of the room.

'What's up K?' I answer.

'Thank gosh you answered. Jonas is freaking out. The suits are ruined. We were unloading them off the truck and they have stains all over them. The sleeves are ripped and the pants just aren't there. The show is in two weeks.' Are you joking me?

'Dammit, K... ok I want you to call the people who made them and ask how the hell this happened. Tell Jonas to take a shot. Give me a little bit to think and I'll call you back.' I sigh.

'Ok, Andie. I'm sorry for this.' She says.

'Nothing for you to be sorry of but I want whoever made them, to be fired. I don't care what their excuses are, they're done.' I tell her.

'Understood. I'll keep you updated.'

'Thanks.' I hang up and groan loudly. How in the hell does that happen?! This has never happened so I'm quite confused on how it did. I calm myself down a little and walk back in. I need to go. I hate this but I have to. This is my clothing line on the line and I can't risk this.

"Hey Alex, can you give us a sec?" She nods and steps out. I walk in front of Niall and he can tell I'm stressed and pissed off.

"What happened?" He pulls me closer so I'm standing between his legs.

"Someone royally screwed up my new clothing line. The suit jackets have stains all over them and some don't have pants. I'm supposed to have a show in two weeks. I have no clue what to do." I sigh and try to stop myself from crying.

"Hey, hey, it'll be ok. Come here." He helps me climb in his lap and wraps his arms around my back and thighs. I feel his thumb rub on the back of my thigh, calming me down.

"Would you hate me if I left?" I whisper. I really don't want to go but I have to. He sighs loudly then kisses the top of my head.

"No, babe, I wouldn't. This is your career on the line. I can't hold you back from that." He explains.

"I will be back in the morning, no matter what. I'm not missing your birthday. I promise." I tell him and start to get up.

"Text me your hotels information and I will meet you there tonight. It's only 3 so I think I can get everything figured out by the time the concert is over." He nods and pulls me closer.

"You're going to figure it out. Deep breathes. You're amazing at what you do, don't ever think you're not." I smile and kiss his cheek, then get off his lap.

"Good luck tonight. I'll text you when I'm on the way." I kiss him on the cheek once more before grabbing my bag.

"I love you!" I yell as I walk out.

"Love you!" He yells back. I run to catch a cab and tell them to head to the Armani building. They decided to build another headquarters in NYC but the main one is in Milan. I've only been there once and have always wanted to work there. Katie called me back with a few updates but nothing major. I'll need to figure out another fabric to use for the main suit. I start googling fabrics but I've liked nothing.

We pull into the parking garage and I pay before jumping out. The suits aren't made here, they're made in Milan. This has been in production for almost six months.

"Alright tell me what's happening?" I run off the elevator and into my officer, where Jonas and Katie are.

"The people who made the suits are dealt with. They won't be working anywhere any time soon. I took a closer look at some of the suits and they can be salvaged but this one... I don't think can be." I walk over to the 15 suits I designed. Most of them are ok, just a few stains but nothing that can't be fixed. The two main suits are ruined. The sleeves are ripped and one doesn't have a pair of pants. Lovely.

"Ok whenever you were yelling at the people who made these, did they happen to mention if there was extra fabric?" I ask Katie.

"Yes it was sent with the suits." She pulls out a roll of the fabric. Thank you God!

"Alright. We're going to throw out the suit jacket and leave it as a shirt/pant look. I need to make a few calls. I'm not sending them back to Milan just have them messed up again. This is a job for Nonna." My dad is Italian and my mother is Irish. My dad was raised is Italy, where all of his family is. He moved to Ireland when he was in his 20s and met my mom.

"Grab me some coffee, please." I tell Katie. She nods and drags Jonas out. Jonas is my co-designer. I pick up the office phone and dial my Nonna's number.

'Eh? Chi è questo?' She picks up. (Who is this?)

'Nonna! It's me, Andrea!' I laugh.

'Andie? Oh how have you been?! Are you eating? You're so skinny, Andie. Have you gotten a boyfriend yet?' She rambles on with so many questions.

'Nonna! Yes I am eating and no I don't have a boyfriend. I am also not that skinny.' I laugh.

'Ehhh you know I always tell you wear hair down! You need a husband! What about that Niall boy! I like him.' I laugh and shake my head. She's convinced Niall and I are going together. I just let it go eventually.

'Nonna, you know we aren't together. Um but I do need your help.' I say.

'What? You need lasagna? Wine? I send you wine!' She says and I hear the bottles clanking.

'No Nonna. No wine. I have these suits that have stains all over them and one is missing a pair of pants. Can you help me?' I ask.

'Send them over. When need them?' She asks.

'I'll be sending my assistant with them. Can you have them done by Sunday?' I ask.

'Are you questioning your Nonna?! Of course! Will you be coming to see me as well?' She asks. Truth is, I do miss her. I haven't seen her in a few months.

'Of course, Nonna. I will be down on Sunday. Thank you so much.' I smile. She literally just saved my entire career.

'Of course. Now, tell me about this assistant.' I laugh and we continue talking for a while. When we hang up, I tell Katie to book her flight to Milan. I zip the suits up and collapse in my chair. I book my flight for Saturday evening. I'll just leave right after the concert is finished. We'll be in New Jersey. If I leave now, I can make the concert. It's nearly 6 so I should make it right for 7.

"I'm leaving. Let me know when you land. This is all the information for Nonna and her address. You speak Italian, yes?" I ask her.

"Of course. My family is also half Italian." She smiles.

"Great! You'll fit in. Good luck and thank you!" I yell as I run to the elevator.

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