Ch. 24

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When I wake up, his head is on my chest and his arms are wrapped around me tightly. I can't help but look at the ring on my finger. I smile, remembering how he asked me. It was so us and I wouldn't have it any other way. We still have to tell everyone. Literally no one knows we're together except for Lewis, Alex, and my family. Well, most of my family. I still haven't told my mum or dad. I'm closer with Nonna than I am my parents. I also need to tell my best friend. I haven't talked to her in forever. She doesn't know anything. I reach over and grab my phone, trying not to wake him.

'Hey girl, we need to catch up soon. Like ASAP. I have a lot to tell you.' I shoot her a text. None of them know unless Nonna told them. I wouldn't be shocked if she did. Like I said, there's no secrets in this family. My phone starts ringing but I shut it off, afraid to wake him up. It's Nat, my other best friend. I quickly text her, telling her I can't talk. I feel Niall stir a little then kiss by chest before looking up at me.

"Mornin, darlin." He smiles at me then reaches up to kiss me.

"Good morning, sleep well?" I ask once we pull away.

"Best sleep I've gotten in a week." He chuckles. Honestly, me too. I haven't slept well since I got here. He lays his head on my chest and I play with his hair. I really don't want to move but I need a shower and food.

"How are we going to tell everyone?" I ask him. I'm not sure what everyone's reactions will be. He groans then sighs.

"I have no idea. I haven't told anyone, other than Lewis and Alex. Most of your family knows. Mine have no clue. How do you think they'll react?" He asks.

"I have no idea. I'm so scared." I sigh and kiss the top of his head. He sighs and moves so he's facing me.

"Don't be. We can break it to them slowly but I think they'll be happy." He kisses my nose.

"Mum is going to flip. First we admit we love each other a week ago and now we're engaged. She's definitely going to have something to say." I say. There's a reason my mum and I aren't that close. She never wanted me when I was little so my dad basically raised me. Niall's mum would watch over me a lot too, she's basically like my mum.

"Hey, look at me, I know how your mum is but she doesn't matter. I think everyone's going to be happy about us. I also think everyone is going to say about time. We'll get through this, together, ok?" I sigh but nod. He kisses me, making me smile. I really do love him.

"As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day, Nonna will bust through that door if we don't go down for lunch. Plus I'm hungry and need to shower." I tell him, making him laugh. He knows it's true.

"Fine, but as long as I get to shower with you?" He asks, giving me puppy dog eyes. I roll mine and get up.

"Alright, Cmon."


After we shower, we go downstairs. I can smell Nonna's cooking. All of my cousins are over, in closing my aunts and uncles.

"Ciao, Andie! How are you?" Aunt Nicky asks. I give her a kiss and hug.

"Great! How about you?" I ask.

"Fine, fine. Nicco is driving me insane! That boy will not find a job." She groans, making me laugh. Nicco is my 17 year old cousin. Lazy as ever.

"Are you and Niall together yet?" She whispers. I turn to Niall, who's talking to one of my uncles. He's always been close to my family.

"Well... yea we are." I don't show her the ring because I want to make an announcement.

"In fact, Ni come see." He walks over and grabs my hand.

"Guess we'll tell them now while everyone's here." I say. He nods in agreement. Nonna looks over at us and I think she knows what we're about to do, so she makes everyone shut up.

"Ciao, everyone. So uh many of you know Niall. Well a few days ago, we admitted we loved each other. And last night we got engaged." I lift up my hand to show to the ring and everyone is in an uproar. I think everyone is happy, I honestly can't hear. All of a sudden, everyone starts hugging and kissing us then congratulating us. I show them all the ring again and they love it.

"Congratulations, Andrea." My mum says. I didn't even know she was here.

"Thanks mum. Are da and Hadley here?" I ask.

"No, he had work and your sister is in college. Don't you think you're too young for all this? And isn't it too soon? You just figured out you two love each other and now you're getting married?" She nags. Why did I know she would say something?

"Mrs. Vallanzasca, how have you been?" Niall's arm wraps around my waist. Thank God.

"Niall. I'm fine. I was just asking Andrea if it was too soon for you two to be engaged." She stares me down.

"No, mam, we don't believe it is. I've loved her since I was young and finally admitted it. She loves me just as much. We have also been together since we were children. She's the one I want to marry. We both want everyone to be happy but if you're not, then please leave." He says. Damn... angry Niall is sexy. My mum gasps and walks away. Serves her right.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"Don't be. It needed to be said. I love you." I say, making him smile.

"I love you."

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