Ch. 4

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I texted Niall happy birthday before boarding my flight to Milan. I managed to get on the plane with Katie. I'm still quite mad at him. It sucks always bending over backwards for someone and them not appreciate it. I took off work to go see him and she witch had to ruin it. He didn't even bother to tell me, that's what I'm mad about. Maybe I'm overreacting but it still hurt. I turn my phone onto airplane mode and read my book the entire way.

We land in Milan around 5pm and head straight to Nonna's villa. She lives about an hour outside of the city and has her own winery. She's been doing that for as long as I can remember.

"Ciao! Nonna!" I call out. I hear her cursing to herself then pop out of the kitchen.

"Andrea! My my! Beautiful as ever!" She kisses my cheeks and gives me a huge hug.

"Hi Nonna. Where's Nonno?" I ask her.

"Ehh you know that man. Always working on something! He outside." She scoffs and says hello to Katie. I set my things down so I can go find Nonno. He's always working on the house. Probably so Nonna won't shoot him. I hear loud cursing and know immediately where he's at.

"Nonno!" I yell. He looks down and smiles.

"Andie! What a nice surprise!" He's better at English than Nonna is. He climbs down the ladder and gives me a big hug. I've missed them so much.

"How are you?" He asks, wrapping his arm around me.

"I'm good! How are you?" I kiss his cheek.

"Eh good, staying out of Gia's way. You know she almost shot me when I walked in on her mopping." We laugh and walk towards the house.

"Now tell me, what are you doing here, mm?" He gives me a look.

"Well I wanted to come see you two and I need Nonna to help me with some things. One of suits doesn't have a pair of pants so I need her expert sewing skills." I smile.

"Ahh did you bring Niall?" I roll my eyes, shaking my head. He's always loved Niall.

"No, he's on tour. And we had a little tiff yesterday so I'm mad at him." I sigh.

"Eh? What did he do?" I laugh.

"It's silly. He chose his girlfriend over me. I hadn't seen him in 5 months and he didn't even bother to tell me she was coming. I thought it would be a good idea to surprise him and it was in the beginning but then she showed up after the show." I explain.

"Why this make you angry?" He asks.

"I don't know. I don't like her. I am convinced she's cheating on him but I have no proof. It just really irritated me." He gives me this look.

"Nonno, I don't like him. We don't see each other that way. It's just we've been best friends for 23 years, you'd think he'd want to see me." I sigh.

"Bella, I'm going to tell you something. Whenever he is here, I see the way he looks at you. Nonna sees it. Everyone sees it. That boy has been in love with you since I can remember. He's just too blind to see it and so are you." I roll my eyes and shake my head. Niall and I don't love each other in a romantic way.

"Ok, Nonno." I sigh and we walk into the house. My phone starts going off and it's Niall.

"Speak of the devil." I answer.

'Yes?' I walk into another room so they won't listen.

'Uh hi... did you make it to Milan?' He shyly asks.

'Yup.' I'm still annoyed at him.

'Good... how's Nonna and Nonno?' He asks.

'They're fine, look I gotta go.' I sigh.

'Please stop doing that. I'm sorry for yesterday but she is my girlfriend, you're just my friend.' Ouch, ok then.

'Vaffanculo.' I hang up and groan. Why is he so stupid? I decide to mute my phone and spend time with my family. (F*** you)


Tomorrow is the big premier. I left Nonna's about a week ago and I've been repairing for the show. All of the models are looking good. We had one final run through today and it was perfect. Now I'm sitting in my hotel room, trying to decide what to wear, when there's a knock on the door. Weird... I haven't ordered room service.

"Hi..." Niall is standing at my door.

"What? What are you doing here?" I pull him in the room so no one will see him.

"I couldn't miss your first fashion premier. What kind of friend would I be?" He smirks but I just fold my arms and give him a "really?" Look.

"Tonight and tomorrows shows are canceled because Maren has a family emergency. I booked the first flight here." He explains. We haven't talked in a week and I've honestly hated it but I'm not giving in easily.

"I'm sorry, darlin. I know I missed up. I couldn't stand not talking to you, please forgive me?" He walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist, bringing me closer. He puts his head in my neck and holds me against him.

"I am not just some "friend". I have known you for 23 years so don't ever call me some friend again. That really hurt." I say.

"I know, I'm sorry. You're not just some friend, you're my other half. I love you." He kisses my neck and I finally give in.

"Just don't do it again." I mumble in his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Say it." He says and pulls me closer.

"I love you too." I sigh. We pull apart and he kisses my nose.

"Did Nonna fix the clothes?" He sits on my bed.

"Yes, we had a final run through today and it was great. I'm still super nervous for tomorrow, though. I have no clue what to wear." I stand in front of my suitcase with my hands on my hips.

"Do you have any ideas?" He asks and slides closer to my suitcase. I take out three dresses and show him.


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"White. Red heels. Did you bring them?" I hate that this boy knows me so well. I nod and take them out.

"Perfect. You're going to be stunning."

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