Ch. 27

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We just landed in Dublin. It's 6:30 here and the sun is setting, meaning the temperature is dropping. It gets chilly at night all year around. I had to steal one of Niall's sweaters before we got off the plane. He doesn't seem to mind though. Both of us are exhausted, we slept the entire plane ride. A taxi is bringing us to his house. He ends up falling asleep on my shoulder, five minutes into the ride. Luckily I know his address. I look out the window, taking in the scenery. I haven't been here in years. Not even for the holidays. I would always fly to Milan and Niall would come here. Our work schedules conflicted so much.

The ride is only an hour, luckily. I should've used the loo before I left. I gently wake Niall up then tell the man the gate code.

"What?" He mumbles.

"We're here." I tell him. The man pulls up and helps us unload our things before driving off. I unlock the front door and Niall stumbles in after me. I can tell he's about to drop so I throw our things to the side and grab his hand.

"Let's get some sleep, we'll deal with this later. I called Annie yesterday and she cleaned everything and stocked the cupboard and fridge." He nods but I can tell he didn't hear a thing I said. I lead him to the bedroom and he collapses on the bed. I shake my head and take his shoes off.

"Ni, I need you to help me." He groans but rolls over so I can take his clothes off. Once I finally get him down to his underwear, I change out of my clothes and climb into bed. I'm really not that tired but I know he is. He lays his head on my chest and wraps his arm around me. I can hear his breathing slow down so I know he's asleep. I stay awake for a little bit before falling asleep.


The sun is coming through the curtains when I wake up. Niall isn't there but I smell bacon. I get up and throw my hair in a bun before going downstairs. I can hear him singing. I walk into the kitchen and he's singing some song that he's listening to. I recognize it, Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer. Of course, he's only in his briefs so it makes this whole thing even more hilarious. I lean up against the island and fold my arms.

'Fight so dirty, but your loves so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go'

He's shaking his hips and using the spatula as a mic. It's honestly adorable. I take my phone and take a picture and video him dancing. This is definitely going on my Instagram story. I upload it with the caption "mornings like these❤️". The song ends and I start clapping, which scares him.

"Geez darlin! You scared me!" He sighs and sets the spatula down.

"How long have you been standing there?" He wraps his arms around my waist.

"A few minutes. Even got a video and picture." I giggle and show him.

"You put that on Instagram?" He laughs at his own dancing.

"Well of course." I smile.

"What am I going to do with you?" He sighs but I can see his smile.

"Mmmm... I don't know." I laugh then look at the picture.

"I will say, this is a fantastic picture. I'm definitely putting this as my home screen." I laugh even more and set the picture.

"First off, rude. That's such an unflattering picture. Second of all, I don't have an unflating picture of you. Well that's because you're always beautiful but you get my point." He rambles. I smile and kiss him so he'll shut up.

"It just reminds me what I love about you." I tell him.

"Oh yea? What's that?" I sit on the bar stool and he steps between my legs.

"I love how caring you are, that you'll drop everything to help your family and friends. You're so selfless. I love your eyes. I could stare at them all day. Your laugh lights up a whole room and your smile... your smile is just so beautiful. I just love you." I sigh, now noticing his eyes are beginning to water.

"Aww, baby, don't cry please." I wipe a stray tear that fell. I hate when he cries, I always have. He starts full on crying and buries his head in my neck.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" He's making me nervous now. I don't know what's happening. I feel him shake his head no but I'm still confused. He looks back up at me and wipes his eyes.

"I treated you like absolute shit in April. I don't deserve you. I never have. You're too good for me and you deserve someone who won't call you names when he's mad." He backs away from me and looks away. I thought we worked passed this? I guess it's still on his mind...

"Come here." I whisper. I don't like him being this far away when he's upset. He doesn't move.

"Niall James. Come here." I say. He slowly walks toward me and when he's in arms length, I grab him and pull him to me.

"Look at me. I love you. I have forgiven you. Like I've told you, you're it for me. You always have been. You're the one I want. I want you for the rest of my life. I want a family with you. I will always want you and you will be the only one I will ever want. Don't think for a second you don't deserve me. Hell, I don't deserve you but you're mine and I'm not letting you go, ever. Ok?" I tell him. He slowly nods and wraps his arms around me again.

"Ugh I don't know what I'd do without you." He sighs.

"Probably be dead in a ditch." I joke, making him chuckle.

"Yea I probably would be. I love you, my girl." My heart flutters at that nickname.

"I love you. Forever." I kiss him.

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